#This is Lab Course Display(实验室课程展示系统)
##1 Run in docker
###1.1 Build the docker images
git clone https://github.com/heyuantao/LabCourseDisplay.git /app/LabCourseDisplay
cd LabCourseDisplay #change directory to project root
docker build -t labcoursedisplay:1.0 .
###1.2 Start the mysql docker
sudo mkdir -p /app
sudo chown -R ${USER}:${USER} /app/
sudo mkdir -p /app/data/db
cd LabCourseDisplay #change directory to project root because the following command will use mysql configuration file
docker run -d --name=mysql --restart=always --network=host -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=19831122 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=labcoursedisplay -v /app/data/db:/var/lib/mysql -v $PWD/docker/mysqld/mysqld.cnf:/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf mysql:5.6
###1.3 Start the app docker
docker run -d --name=labcoursedisplay --restart=always --network=host -e DB_PASSWORD=19831122 -e DB_HOST= -v /app/data/logs/:/var/log/supervisor/ labcoursedisplay:1.0
###1.4 Exec into web container and do init
docker exec -it <web_container_id> /bin/bash #exec into the container
make initsystem #this will call the script in /app/EEAS/docker/install/init_web.sh
##2 Development ###2.1 Backend This software run on python 3 and django 1.11.1,and the database is MySQL 5.7.The install script will install it on ubuntu 16.04
python3 manage.py makemigration
python3 manage.py migrate
###2.2 Init the qiniu storage
python3 manage.py initqiniu.py
###2.3 Frontend The Front use react and antd and was create by create-react-app Change the NPM and YARN registry using the following command!
npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org
npm config get
yarn config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org
yarn config get registry
###2.4 Install the Node Module and Build
make installnodemodules #you need install npm and yarn to install and build node modules
make buildnodemodules #build the nodemodules
make cleannodemodules #remove the nodemodules directory before build docker images
###2.5 Backup the data
#list the exam information in list format
python3 manage.py backupenrollmentmedia
#download the zip files of one enrollments to '/tmp/exam_id'
python3 manage.py backupenrollmentmedia -e exam_id -d /tmp/exam_id/
#download the zip files and clear qiniu and mysql record
python3 manage.py backupenrollmentmedia -e exam_id -d /tmp/exam_id/ -c #if you need clear the database
###2.6 Other command
change the password
python manage.py changepassword admin@example.com
List or Delte examination
python manage.py examinations -l
python manage.py examinations -d id