
Tapdata Documentation

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


TapData Documentation

Welcome to TapData documentation!

This repository stores all the source files of TapData documentation, click to visit: https://docs.tapdata.io

If you find documentation issues, feel free to create an Issue to let us know or directly create a Pull Request to help fix or update it.

What is TapData?

TapData is a live data platform designed to connect data silos and provide fresh data to the downstream operational applications & operational analytics.

🎮 Try it for free


We welcome contributions to help improve the documentation! Here is the steps:

The TapData docs are written in Markdown. If you have any questions about the steps blow, please contact us.

  1. Clone repository.

    git clone https://github.com/tapdata/docs.git
  2. Install the dependencies.

    Node.js version 16.14 or above (which can be checked by running node -v).

    cd docs
    npm install
    # or 
    yarn install
  3. Modify or add your documentations.

  4. Run a local development server to preview (http://localhost:3000/) your changes as you edit the files.

    npm run start
  5. Check broken links.

    # build site
    npm run build
    # check broken links and fix it follow the logs
    npx @untitaker/hyperlink ./build --check-anchors
  6. Create a pull request.

Project structure

├── docs		       # Docs for the current version
│   ├── cloud		       # TapData Cloud Docs
│   │   ├── images	       # Screen shots, illustrations for docs
│   │   ├── …………
│   ├── enterprise	       # TapData Enterprise Docs
│   │   ├── images						
│   │   ├── …………
│   └── reuse-content	       # Reuse content, we can use Markdown files as components and import them elsewhere 
├── docusaurus.config.js       # A config file containing the site configuration
├── sidebars.js		       # Sidebar for the current version
├── src			       # Non-documentation files like pages or custom React components
│   ├── components
│   ├── css
│   └── pages
├── static		       # Static directory that will be copied into the root of the final build directory
│   └── img
├── versioned_docs	       # Versioned docs
│   └── version-2.0	       # Docs for the 2.0 version
│       ├── cloud
│       ├── enterprise
│       └── reuse-content
├── versioned_sidebars	       # Sidebar for the 2.0 version
└── versions.json	       # File to indicate what versions are available


We have a few channels for contact: