
A health dashboard for users to enhance their lifestyle

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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H.care is a healthcare dashboard that caters to your healthcare needs https://healthcare-theta.vercel.app/

What does it provide?

  1. A dashboard that displays your water consumption, steps, sleep records etc in a graphical way and display health news.
  2. A dashboard that provides nutrient information and shows how much carbs, calories, protien, sugar, etc. you have consumed upon query.
  3. A dashboard that displays your sleep data in graphical way and gives tips on sleeping well.
  4. A dashboard that provides tips to improve your mental health according to your mood.
  5. A dashboard that tracks your activity, displays calories burnt upon query and provides video links for various exercises.
  6. It has a chatbot for your health and fitness concerns


  1. H.care is powered by NextJs and Firebase .
  2. It uses TailwindCSS for styling
  3. It uses Nutritionix API to display nutrition information and exercise information. What makes this api great is it takes natural language like 'I ate 2 eggs for breakfast today' and returns acurate nutritional information. Same goes for exercise information.
  4. It uses nivo.rocks for graphical charts. A great collection of components built on top of React and D3JS .
  5. It uses NextAuth for authentication.
  6. Firebase provides database for storing data and provides functions to fetch data in realtime Docs .
  7. It uses React-Icons for icons.
  8. It uses TheNewsApi for news fetching . It is great for getting filtered news.

Getting Started

This project requires you to have a GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET which you will receive when you will create a new Firebase App here.
A whole step by step process is here.
It will also require NEXT_PUBLIC_NEWS_API_TOKEN which is a api key that you can get here

Running on local machine

  1. Fork the repository and clone it in a local directory.
  2. Open the terminal in the directory and run the following command:
    npm i
  3. Upon completion create a 'env.local' file in the same directory and write the following in it and save:
  4. Run npm run dev in the terminal, this will start the local server.
  5. Voila! You are ready. 😂
    The app should be running at http://localhost:3000 by default.


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This project is licensed under the MIT license. Feel free to use it and if you want to contribute, please feel free to fork the project and make a pull request. Thanks!

Contributors Guide 🥰

Thanks for considering to contribute to the project. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Twitter.