
This app is literally what the name suggests. Its an application which lets users create posts and comment on their or others' post. Deployed on

How to set up the application locally

There are 2 ways to setup and run the application locally

  1. Using Nodejs
  2. Using Docker


  1. MongoDB Atlas account and a running cluster and its uri
  2. NodeJs (How to install NodeJS ?)
  3. Docker (How to install Docker ?)

Lets get started

Installation using NodeJS

  1. Clone the repository and navigate to the root folder.

  2. Create a .env file in root folder

    touch .env
  3. Enter the following details in the .env file



    DB_URL = mongodb://username:password@host:port/database
    JWT_SECRET = sdkasdklakwko12k3w1l32l2kdflksdklsjke
  4. Open the terminal in the root folder and run the following commands :

    npm i && node index
  5. Once this is done, the server is up and runnning at port 8000

    DB Connected Successfully
    Server is listening at port : 8000

Using with docker

  1. To run the app with docker, run the following command

    docker build --build-arg DB="mongodb://username:password@host:port/database" \
     --build-arg  JWTSEC="sdkasdklakwko12k3w1l32l2kdflksdklsjke" \
     -t post-comment-app:latest .
  2. To run the application, run

    docker run -it --rm --name postcommentapp -p 8000:8000 post-comment-app:latest 
  3. The Server is up and running on localhost:8000

Underlying Architecture


  • Backend - NodeJS

    For backend nodejs seemed easy choice because of it developer-friendliness which allows for faster deployment of new features easily

  • Database - MongoDB

    Mongo made sense here as it provides complete flexibility over schema (which is a neccessity at early stage) and facilitates faster & accessible development with help of its cloud clusters

  • Frontend - Static files served by ExpressJS

    Using a framework like React/Angular made no sense for lightweight application like this, hence static files were an easy choice.

Flow Chart

Screenshot from 2024-02-17 14-44-07

Database Structure

  • Users collection

    Name string Email string Password string Image string
  • Posts

    Content string Author objectID (ref users) CreatedAt date Comments []ObjectID (ref comments)
  • Comments

    Text String Author (ref users) CreatedAt Date

How stuff works behind the scenes

  1. Users can view the posts without logging in but if they wish to post or comment something, they have to login.
  2. Users are logged in with a JWT cookie.
  3. Once they are done, they can logout and view again


Screenshot from 2024-02-17 15-00-58