
Primary LanguageVim Script



  • Vim: NeoVim latest
  • Fonts: Dank Mono
  • python3(used by deoplete)
brew install python3
pip3 install --user pynvim
  • neovim + typescript global installed by node(used by typescript language supported)
brew install node #if node not installed yet
brew install yarn #yarn is a good choice to manage your package
yarn global add typescript neovim


git clone git@github.com:EdenCao/dotfile.git ~/.dotfiles # must be $HOME/.dotfile  
sh $HOME/.dotfile/install_vim.sh

Plugin Manager

Use vim-plug

Key Binding

  • LeaderKey: ;


About saving

  • Fast saving: leader-w
  • Saving with sudo: leader-W

About search

  • searches for the current selection: * or #
  • searches for the regex: space or ctrl-space

Moving around, tabs, windows and buffers

  • Moving between windows: ctrl-j or ctrl-k or ctrl-h or ctrl-l

  • Closing the current buffer: leader-bd

  • Closing all of the buffers: leader-ba

  • Switch buffer: leader-l or leader-h

  • tab new: leader-tn

  • tab only: leader-to

  • tab close: leader-tc

  • tab move: leader-tm

  • tab next: leader-t-leader

  • toggle between this and the last accessed tab: leader-tl

  • Opens a new tab with the current buffer's path: leader-te

  • Switch CMD to the directory of the open buffer: leader-cd

Editing mappings

  • Move a line of text: Meta-j or Meta-k or Meta-h or Meta-l

Spell Checking

  • toggle spell checking: leader-ss
  • moving between errors: leader-sn or leader-sp
  • add word to dictionary: leader-sa
  • change word: leader-s?


  • Remove the Windows ^M - when the encodings gets messed up: leader-m

  • Quickly open a buffer for scribble: leader-q

  • Quickly open a markdown for scribble: leader-e

  • Toggle paste mode on and off: leader-pp



  • [] add global matching supported
  • [] improved terminal using experience
  • [] add jsx emmet support
  • [] add comment hot key support
  • add jsx completion
  • [] improve jsx edit experience
  • [] add symbol prompt when cursor hover
  • [] fix spec.ts filetype
  • [] fresh treenode hotkey
  • [] lint ignore according to gitignore folder