
Submission for GovTech OneCV's Golang take-home assessment

Primary LanguageGo


Name: Tiang Hui Zheng

Assignment Received: 9 Oct 2023

Assignment Deadline: 14 Oct 2023

Link to deployment: http://heyzec.mooo.com:8000

Project structure

├── server
└── ...
├── routes
├── handlers
├── dataaccess
├── models
├── views
├── params
├── errors
└── helpers/
    ├── api
    ├── arrayutils
    ├── emailutils
    ├── json
    └── ...
└── ...
Folder Description
cmd Entry points to the app, including server and migration tooling
internal/handlers Controller (C in MVC, kinda)
internal/dataaccess Layer between handlers and models
internal/models GORM models (M in MVC)
internal/views Define shape of API responses (V in MVC)
internal/params Define shape of API requests
internal/errors Custom errors definitions
internal/helpers Many utility stuff, including wrappers, database abstractions, JSON handling
tests Tests, this folder mirrors internal/

Getting started

  1. Create the development database.

    psql -c "CREATE DATABASE govtech_assignment"
  2. Fill up necessary environment variables

    cp .env.template .env.development
    vim .env.development
  3. Migrate and seed the database.

    make migrate
    make seed
  4. Start the server. This uses reflex if available to reload server on file changes.

    make run

Running tests

  1. Create the development database.

    psql -c "CREATE DATABASE govtech_assignment"
  2. Migrate and seed the testing database.

    make migrate-test
    make seed-test
  3. Run each test individually. Note that the order in which tests are executed may affect result. This is definitely unideal, and it is caused by not having a mock storage implemented.

    go test ./tests/arrayutils/intersection_test.go