
Scripts for making drawing tablet easier to work with for Xournalpp

Primary LanguageLua


Scripts I made to make my life easier while using my drawing tablet with the handwriting note-taking app Xournal++.

There are two parts to this repository.

Tested on:

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04
  • Xournal++: 1.1.0+dev
  • Tablet: HUION Inspiroy Ink H320M

1. Automatic tablet mappings

On Linux, a Wacom tablet or a compatible drawing tablet that uses xsetwacom to change its programmable buttons will not retain its settings when it is disconnected. The scripts here will set the customisations whenever the system detects the drawing tablet.


  1. Download the three files: tablet.rules, wrapper.sh and tablet_config.sh files to a folder on your device. This folder shouldn't be moved after installation.
  2. Edit the pathname in tablet.rules and username in wrapper.sh.
  3. Copy (or symlink) tablet.rules to within the folder /etc/udev/rules.d/.
  4. Edit the STYLUS and PAD variables in tablet_config.sh to the identifying names of your drawing tablet. You can check this using the command xsetwacom list.
  5. Edit the tablet_config.sh file to add your own customisations.

2. Xournal++ Toggler plugin

This is a Xournal++ custom plugin written in Lua. It provides a collection of keyboard shortcuts (Alt 1 to Alt 6) to toggle between commonly used tools.


  1. Download the Toggler folder.
  2. Copy (or symlink) the entire folder to Xournal++ installation folder path. (/usr/share/xournalpp/plugins/ for Linux)

Default settings

If both parts are installed, then here are the default settings:

Device Action Effect
Stylus Second button [Single press] Toggle between pen and eraser tools
Stylus Second button [Double press] Change to hand tool
Stylus Third button Undo
Tablet Button 1 Cycle through selector tools (Select Object, Select Region)
Tablet Button 2 Cycle through drawing shape tools (Rectangle, Ellipse, Arrow)
Tablet Button 3 Cycle through line styles (Solid, Dashed, Dash-Dotted, Dotted)
Tablet Up Zoom in
Tablet Down Zoom out
Tablet Middle Toggle menus
Tablet Left Decrease pen size
Tablet Right Increase pen size
Tablet Button 4 Change to highlighter tool
Tablet Button 5 Toggle pen colors (via the ColorCycle plugin bundled with Xournal++)
Tablet Button 6 No effect currently