
Tiny tile map editor

Primary LanguageGo

Ttme is Tiny Tile Map Editor (think Tiled but with way less features). It is written in Golang using those bindings to the awesome raygui/raylib.

I started this project because I wanted to learn Go and try to build a cross-platform GUI application without using big frameworks.



Run the project



Build for Windows, Darwin and Linux. Bin file are under ./build. Zipfile with all builds is under ./packed_build.

make fbuild


Clean build folders

make fclean

Current Feature

  • Define map size
  • Use your own tileset (with the tile size you want)
  • Ability to add (custom) properties to your tiles (blocking property exists by default)
  • Export to json
  • Show/Hide grid
  • Show/Hide properties
  • Reload existing map through arguments (ttme mymap.json)

Known bugs or limitations

  • Open a File dialog at startup (It's a workaround this bug)
  • Does not support layers (may be added in the future)
  • Does not show well on high DPI screens (at least on my Macbook)


Ttme Demo

The exported json file can be found under assets/example.json, but here is a template:

   "width": Int,
   "height": Int,
   "tileset": {
      "tileWidth": Int,
      "tileHeight": Int,
      "imagePath": String
   "tiles": [
       "index": Int (-1 for empty tiles),
       "properties": [{"name":  String, "value":  String, "color": {"R": Int,"G": Int,"B": Int,"A": Int}}] (can be null)


Since I don't use this project at the moment, it will evolve but slowly while I have fun coding it.