Welcome to ft_transcendence, a real-time multiplayer online pong game, chat application, live games and more.
- Chat function with the ability to create public/private channels or channels protected by a password
- Direct messaging between users and the option to block other users
- User profiles visible through the chat interface
- Real-time multiplayer online pong games with a matchmaking system
- User accounts with OAuth integration, unique display names, avatar uploads, and two-factor authentication
- Ability to add other users as friends and view their current status
- Stats tracking, including victories, losses, and other stats
. Frontend: Next.js . Backend: Nest.js . Database: PostgreSQL . Containerization: Docker
ft_transcendence is a fun and interactive way to play pong and chat with other users. We hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed building it! If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to reach out to us on GitHub or contact us on any of this linkedin accounts: hfadyl, Joroh, Fatima Zahra Sarbout
- Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory:
git clone https://github.com/hfadyl/Transcendence-.git
cd Transcendence-
Do Not Forgot to add client Id and secret of your 42 app, and change IP to your machine IP in .env
Run the docker-compose command to start the application:
docker-compose up --build