
A scattered attempt at functional programming with too much focus on recursion and not enough time to focus on everything else. Great learning and sparked LOTS of questions, ideas and reflections!


Where was I able to:

  • Make use of Pure Functions?

    • With the exception of DOM related functions, this was less of a challenge than I initially expected
      • Idea.js >
        • I believe all functions here are relatively pure with the exception of using for unique ids
      • Main.js >
        • updateIdeas, findHead & findTail are pure
        • the other functions in this file touch the DOM so they are not pure
  • Make use of Higher Order Functions?

    • I use map to add a favorite status to all ideas.
    • My clearInputs function uses recursion but I'm still trying to determine if it is a higher order function
  • Make use of Closures?

    • I started a branch to try to use closures to manage my state/ideas array without it being a global function but I wasn't able to get it functional in time
  • Make use of Curried Functions?

    • I did not implement curried functions
  • Make use of Composition?

    • I did not implement composition
  • How did you go about creating your data model? Where is it in your code?

    • My data model is really just my ideas array which is stored in a global variable and updated by the updateIdeasArray function. Both live in my main.js file with my DOM functionality - I couldn't figure out how to move them out of main.js. The updateIdeasArray function felt like a piece I needed in main.js to be able to connect the functionality that is living in Ideas.js
  • How well were you able to separate your data model from the DOM logic? Where is that separation in the code?

    • Function by function this separation felt do-able. I wasn't able to pull my ideas array or the updateIdeasArray function out of the main.js file where all the DOM logic lives though.