
A programmer's best friend, now in Slack.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status

A programmer's best friend, now in Slack. Search StackOverflow right from Slack without coming off as dumb.


Top Questions

From any Slack channel, just type /overflow [search terms]. The questions will be shown on the same channel visible just to you.

Top Answer

To get the top answer for a question, type /soi [search terms]. The answer top answer for the top question will be fetched and rendered to you in pristine* Slack formatting.

Integrate with your team

  1. Go to your channel
  2. Click on Configure Integrations.
  3. Scroll all the way down to DIY Integrations & Customizations section.
  4. Click on Add next to Slash Commands.
  • Command: /overflow
  • URL: <URL of wherever you have deployed the app>/overflow, there is a test instance always online at https://lit-depths-6053.herokuapp.com/, so you can provide https://lit-depths-6053.herokuapp.com/overflow
  • Method: POST
  • For the Autocomplete help text, check to show the command in autocomplete list.
    • Description: A programmer's best friend, now in Slack.
    • Usage hint: [search terms]
  • Descriptive Label: Search StackOverflow

For integrating /soi, follow the same steps, but use /soi for the command and URL route instead.


  • Grab your StackExchange key from http://stackapps.com/
  • Provide the key by either setting the SE_KEY environment variable or --se-key option
# Install python dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

# Start the server
$ python app.py

# For more options:
$ python app.py --help

Deploy to Heroku


You will need to set the SE_KEY environment variable in your heroku app in order for this to work. You can read more about it clicking here


  • Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs or file feature requests.