Issue using class activation map
paulomaia20 opened this issue · 4 comments
Thank you so much for sharing the code.
I'm having some issues with using class activation map on a dataset trained using FCN:
x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], x_train.shape[1], 1)
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 1272000 into shape (424,750,1)
My x_train has the size (343, 750, 4) in which I have 343 samples with 750 points and 4 channels. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you in advance
I managed to change the "1" to "4" in that code line and also changed it to 4 in:
ts = ts.reshape(1,-1,1) to ts.reshape(1,-1,4).
Is the obtained class map representative of all channels? I cannot obtain a class map per channel due to the architecture of the network, am I correct?
Thanks for the interest in the code.
You are right, I think the changes that you have made are correct.
And yes, you cannot have a class activation map for each channel with the current architecture.
If the problem is resolved, feel free to close the issue.
Thank you!
@paulomaia20 Did you solve this for MTS? Could you please share how?
@hfawaz Could you please let me know how I visualize CAM for MTS?