- 1
will it work for multivariate time series prediction both regression and classification
#41 opened by Sandy4321 - 3
Miss MTS dataset
#52 opened by yuhengguo - 4
- 8
data format of UCR2018
#27 opened by guoxishu - 1
Is the data being pulled in N,T,F
#36 opened by sabooakhter - 2
How do I use GPU to run the code?
#37 opened by Weberyoung - 2
y_true vs y_test
#40 opened by Laoban-man - 4
Question on validation dataset for TSC
#51 opened by Wwwwei - 1
#44 opened by arci97 - 1
classify new sample
#46 opened by chenyafe052 - 1
The input size of the twiesn?
#47 opened by Chloe-qiuyu - 1
How do you deal with data of varying length?
#49 opened by GodFire6666 - 0
How to improve validation score
#50 opened by am610 - 2
- 2
OSError: /b/home/uha/hfawaz-datas/dl-tsc//archives/TSC/Coffee/Coffee_TRAIN not found.
#33 opened by Alla-Abdella - 10
#26 opened by shahmustafa - 0
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '...............x_train.npy'
#45 opened by xzs5310 - 0
about folder tree
#43 opened by Usmankhujaev - 2
Having issues in regression
#32 opened by vibha15 - 0
About MCNN
#42 opened by motnog - 4
Issue using class activation map
#4 opened by paulomaia20 - 0
Non-stationary timeseries
#39 opened by Fluxtruth - 0
Inception Time Model Predicts all 1's
#38 opened by shehabgamin - 3
ValueError: Unknown layer: InstanceNormalization
#8 opened by Huii - 0
- 1
- 2
How to analyze the CD diagram
#31 opened by peter943 - 2
The version of UCR
#30 opened by peter943 - 2
- 3
Results on the UEA multivariate archive?
#23 opened by fpetitjean - 0
Suggestion: Add TCN to benchmark
#24 opened by AStupidBear - 4
- 4
unable to find best_model
#21 opened by paullouBenedick - 2
- 1
30 UEA mts datasets
#18 opened by snowaa007 - 1
- 1
How to prepare data for model
#11 opened by talhaanwarch - 1
- 1
some error in
#14 opened by Pauler99 - 1
Also some error on
#16 opened by LMMOO-LJQ - 0
- 2
- 1
Tensorflow compatibility issues
#10 opened by erap129 - 1
does it mean your code works for classification with mixture of categorical and continues data?
#9 opened by Sandy4321 - 8
vs SVM('rbf')?
#5 opened by fantoumas - 5
mts command
#1 opened by samine66m - 3
Validation of Models on Loss Function
#3 opened by tsafs