
A Docker image that runs Phabricator, an open source software engineering tool

Primary LanguageShell


To configure this image, create a config directory, with a script.pre file inside it. This file should be marked as executable. Place the following content in that file:


# Set the name of the host running MySQL:
./bin/config set mysql.host "example.com"

# If MySQL is running on a non-standard port:
#./bin/config set mysql.port 3306

# Set the username for connecting to MySQL:
./bin/config set mysql.user "root"

# Set the password for connecting to MySQL:
./bin/config set mysql.pass "password"

# Set the base URI that will be used to access Phabricator:
./bin/config set phabricator.base-uri "http://myphabricator.com/"

To run this image:

/usr/bin/docker run -p 22:22 -p 22280:22280 -v /path/to/config:/config -v /path/to/repo/storage:/srv/repo --name=phabricator --link mariadb:linked_mariadb hachque/phabricator

What do these parameters do?

-p 22:22 = forward the host's SSH port to Phabricator for repository access
-p 22280:22280 = forward the host's 22280 port for the notification server
-v path/to/config:/config = map the configuration from the host to the container
-v path/to/repo/storage:/srv/repo = map the repository storage from the host to the container
--name phabricator = the name of the container
--link mariadb:linked_mariadb = (optional) if you are running MariaDB in a Docker container
hachque/phabricator = the name of the image

This assumes that you are using a reverse proxy container (such as hachque/nginx-autoproxy) to route HTTP and HTTPS requests to the Phabricator container. If you are not, and you want to just expose the host's HTTP and HTTPS ports to Phabricator directly, you can add the following options:

-p 80:80 -p 443:443

This image is intended to be used in such a way that a new container is created each time it is started, instead of starting and stopping a pre-existing container from this image. You should configure your service startup so that the container is stopped and removed each time. A systemd configuration file may look like:

Requires=docker.service mariadb.service
ExecStart=<command to start instance, see above>
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker stop phabricator
ExecStop=/usr/bin/docker rm phabricator


Because the container will be thrown away on each start, it's important to remember:

  • Make sure you configure Phabricator to store files in MySQL or AWS. Don't use local file storage, or you'll lose the lot when the container exits.
  • Map a directory from the host for repository storage. If you don't map a directory from the host for repository storage, then all your repositories will be lost when the container exists.

Enabling SSL

To enable SSL, place cert.pem and cert.key files alongside script.pre. The Docker container will automatically detect the presence of the certificates and configure Nginx to run with SSL enabled.

Linking to a DB container

If you are running MariaDB in a Docker container (e.g. using the hachque/mariadb container), you can configure the script.pre file like so to use the linked MariaDB container:

./bin/config set mysql.host "$LINKED_MARIADB_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR"
./bin/config set mysql.port "$LINKED_MARIADB_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT"

Include the --link option as shown above to link the Phabricator container to the MariaDB container.

SSH / Login

Username: root

Password: linux

Port: 24

(Note that repository hosting for Phabricator is served on port 22)