
Equation-style constraint generation for your views

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Equations is macOS/iOS/tvOS package that provides a friendly API for programmatically generate constraints


Equations provides an equation-style for constraint generation

let parentView = View() // Could be NSView or UIView
let view = View() // Could be NSView or UIView

view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false

// Here starts Equations usage
view.equations {
    $0.top == parentView.topAnchor + 2
    $0.width == 2 * parentView.widthAnchor + 5

In the previous example, the constraints are activated when the equations closure is executed. It is also important to be able to manage the priorities of the constraints:

view.equations {
    $0.top.with(priority: 600) == parentView.topAnchor + 2
    $0.width == 2 * parentView.widthAnchor + 5

Sometimes, we need to create constraints that should not be activated immediately:

let nonActiveConsrtaint = view.equateConstraint { 
    return $0.top.with(priority: 600) == parentView.topAnchor + 2 

Equations forces to logically group related constraints, which leads to much cleaner code.