
Balena App using a PiJuice and 1-wire DS18B20 to measure and record water temperature.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Balena Strand

A Balena project using a Raspberry Pi with a PiJuice and a DS18B20 1-wire temperature sensor to measure water temperature. The idea is to have a setup where the Pi wakes up at a given interval, measures the temperature and writes it to a MQTT message queue. Afterwards the Pi shuts down again. Internet connectivity is given via a USB dongle. Using the PiJuice and the solar panel which comes with it, we should be able to take measurements every few hours without being connected to power.

This is a sister project to balena-weather.

Balena config

Device configuration

In order to use the Pijuice real time clock (RTC) and the one wire temperature sensor the following DT overlays must be set:


NOTE: This uses the non default GPIO pin 17 (opposed to 4).

Device service variables

Variable Description Values
MQTT_BROKER MQTT server name localhost
MQTT_BROKER_PORT MQTT web-socket port 80
SLEEP_INTERVAL Time between measurements 60
START_SSHD Whether to open SSH port [0|1]
STAY_ALIVE Whether to stay alive after measurement [0|1]


In order to test the code easily, the container uses a trick to allow using PyCharm locally and execute the code in the remote container. For that the container needs to open an SSH port. This can be achieved setting the device service variable START_SSHD=1. This will start sshd and allow PyCharm to use the container as a remote execution environment.

NOTE: This is a development trick/hack. In a production environment the sshd config should be removed.
