
A Shiny app for Psychiatric beds in European Hospitals

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Psychiatric beds in European Hospitals (shiny app)

This repo hosts the source code for the Shiny application. URL of the app: http://herchu.shinyapps.io/ddp-project

This app compares European countries with regards to their number of Hospital beds and, within those, the beds reserved for psychiatric pacients. The number of beds are relative the countries populations.

There are four different plots: the Total Hospital beds per country, the number of Psychiatric beds per country, the percentage of Psyc related to Hospital beds per country and a comparison between Psychiatric beds vs. non-psyc beds.

The slider let the user set the range for the quantiles. The defaults are 25% and 75%.

This presentation comes along with a Rpubs presentation. URL of the presentation: http://rpubs.com/herchu1/43094 URL of its source code: http://github.com/hfoffani/DDPpitch