
Docker for FreeLing 4.0

Primary LanguageMakefile

Docker Image at the Hub

Fetch the public image with

docker pull herchu/freeling4-es:pub

Test it with

echo "Mi casa es bonita." | docker run -i herchu/freeling4-es:pub /usr/bin/analyze -f es.cfg

There is also a Python API. Test it with

echo "Mi casa es bonita." | docker run -i herchu/freeling4-pyes:v0 python3 /home/APIs/python/sample.py

Freeling Docker Image

Besides docker the procedures depends on

  • m4 (probably it's already installed)
  • docker-squash
  • tar GNU compatible

Squashing the image requires your local root password.

The underline OS of this image is Debian jessy 64. If you want to build your image by yourself use:

make build-es
make squash-es

Debian Package

The Freeling Debian packages is:
