- 0
Upgrade dependency jest-changed-files to fix down-stream security issue with cross-spawn
#118 opened by moonray - 0
- 9
optionally disable cycle detection
#65 opened by gavar - 4
Shouldn't detectCycles check ignore packages that are ignored with --exclude option?
#115 opened by vvscode - 1
Compatibility with npm 7?
#105 opened by mnasyrov - 1
Report output is interlaced with package outputs if a command fails with `collect-logs` flag
#107 opened by starikcetin - 0
Handling input for multiple projects
#114 opened by lovesinatra - 2
Install instructions?
#112 opened by pookah-net - 1
collect-logs with fast-exit can hide logs
#111 opened by adiktofsugar - 0
Warning for command matching no packages?
#110 opened by AlabasterAxe - 1
-x doesn't work with globs
#106 opened by bebbi - 1
- 0
Run wsrun command from node script
#109 opened by ericlifs - 0
Bug: filter-changed-packages wrong result
#102 opened by idan-at - 1
Build only if package has changed
#77 opened by lcswillems - 6
Running tests with jest hangs
#32 opened by jozsi - 5
Feature: --checkSum <checkSumFile> for storing information about package was changed from last command run, and do not run command again if the changes not affect package.
#97 opened by majo44 - 0
- 0
wsrun --bin spawns incorrectly on non-win32 platforms when command includes parameters
#100 opened by jpa00 - 1
Feature: run a certain command if any step fails
#94 opened by devdoshi - 1
The path rewriter is missing paths
#93 opened by KnisterPeter - 2
add --changedSince=tag flag
#58 opened by spion - 0
add --revDeps flag
#57 opened by spion - 2
- 3
- 3
Release wsrun?
#78 opened by devshorts - 0
Security warning for Mem via the Yargs dependency
#81 opened by mattyod - 11
wsrun doesn't mimick yarn workspace resolution
#69 opened by VPagani - 0
- 4
Provide programmatic API
#64 opened by idan-at - 1
wsrun is not recognized
#54 opened by Glinkis - 6
wsrun changes my console.log output
#41 opened by LogvinovLeon - 4
Jest output is munged
#50 opened by SamirTalwar - 2
Feature request: .wsrunrc config file
#47 opened by PaulRBerg - 2
Cannot run script in specific package
#45 opened by elsbrock - 1
Doesn't propagate exit code correctly
#40 opened by krzkaczor - 4
Run arbitrary commands?
#44 opened by borekb - 3
Error with scoped packages
#43 opened by borekb - 6
- 1
- 3
Maximum Concurrency option
#35 opened by ckknight - 1
v3.0 breaks CLI package selection
#33 opened by ritave - 2
Parallel execution is broken in 3.x
#34 opened by krotscheck - 1
Can't run from within a workspace
#30 opened by cglong - 2
Validate unknown options
#27 opened by donaldpipowitch - 5
pass options to command
#21 opened by benmonro - 0
Add an executeFromWorkspaceRoot flag to allow yarn commands to execute from the root of each workspace
#31 opened by ajhool - 1
Add a license to the project
#29 opened by jevakallio - 5
Create environment variable to flag the current index of the called script
#24 opened by donaldpipowitch - 0
Extra dependency being included
#22 opened by futagoza