- 0
Question about the Lce
#72 opened by pengchengwanlixulipeng - 1
Questions about
#71 opened by cain0006 - 4
loss_semi < = 0.002
#56 opened by islzf - 0
Quenstion on Loss
#70 opened by Holmes2002 - 1
Why there are two semi-supervisory control parameters: SEMI_START=5000,,,,,,,SEMI_START_ADV=0
#62 opened by swjtulinxi - 0
Facing Issue for running Adversarial Semi-Segmentation code on Custom dataset or CityScapes dataset
#69 opened by tasveerahmad - 0
loss_ce gradually rises after falling
#66 opened by CuberrChen - 2
#68 opened by lijiwen97 - 2
Not able to reach pre-trained models
#67 opened by vikolss - 0
Problem in deeplab model
#65 opened by dlotfi - 0
When loading model parameters during training, the program has been stuck without response
#64 opened by 2679622694 - 2
- 6
- 0
all losses are NaN
#61 opened by aoaoaoaoa - 6
- 0
About dataset
#60 opened by zhaozhengChen - 0
#58 opened by cg126 - 1
IndexError: too many indices for array: array is 0-dimensional, but 1 were indexed
#57 opened by yzj0531 - 4
- 2
Some evaluation questions?
#54 opened by lxtGH - 0
Can't recreate results for SL
#55 opened by vikolss - 0
how to draw a loss curve?
#53 opened by xysaber - 2
some questions about datasets
#51 opened by xysaber - 1
Question about evaluation scheme
#52 opened by voldemortX - 7
The adv_loss curve is strange.
#39 opened by Pyten - 5
Some questions I would like to ask you
#31 opened by watchmexiang - 1
- 1
- 4
how to run on cpu
#48 opened by wwwmmmqqq - 1
- 1
some question of the code
#42 opened by kukby - 1
How to choose the value of mask_T?
#40 opened by xychenunc - 6
- 0
- 1
#45 opened by bomtorazek - 4
- 1
- 3
difference between SEMI_START and SEMI_START_ADV
#32 opened by YiruS - 1
- 2
#35 opened by wangshicr7 - 1
Training own dataset
#34 opened by abdou31 - 1
#33 opened by yuan-001 - 0
which version of python?
#30 opened by Eason270 - 8
Mean IoU values not matching
#22 opened by suddu22 - 1
Hi,how can I train a new advFull model ?
#28 opened by QianSunCN - 2
#27 opened by ecemlago - 2
ignore_labels , why 255?
#25 opened by ecemlago - 4
confidence map
#24 opened by LeiyuanMa - 1
- 2
#23 opened by LeiyuanMa