
Bit of vimrc and Vundle magic to create self-contained Vim environments.

Hacking Vim Plugins

2012-02-27, Created by Hagen Fuchs <code@hfuchs.net>


When hacking on the odd Vim plugin, I sometimes managed to not only
break the plugin, but also my working Vim configuration.  While working
on [Vimoutliner](http://www.vimoutliner.org/), I finally searched for
a way to have multiple, independent, self-contained Vim environments.

This project presents one straightforward solution using Vundle.


Create a project directory and clone Vundle there:

    mkdir [project_dir]; cd !$
    git clone https://github.com/gmarik/vundle.git dot_vim/bundle/vundle

Enter your bundles in dev.vimrc, say :BundleInstall (you know,
straightforward Vundle usage).  From then on, simply work with

    vim -u dev.vimrc [file_to_hack_on]

Tune debug and profiling parameters to taste.