
VSCode extension for installing my most used snippets multiple places.

MIT LicenseMIT


VSCode extension for installing my most used snippets multiple places.


This extension gives a range of snippets that can be used while developing and make your life more efficient.

General snippets

current_datetime - Inserts current date time in ISO format. - Keywords: "datetime current_time current_date iso_time"

s_dash_s_dash_s_dash_s_string - Inserts a string with %s-%s-%s-%s for use with format functions. - Keywords: "s_dash_s_dash_s_dash_s ssss"

s_dash_s_dash_s_string - Inserts a string with %s-%s-%s for use with format functions. - Keywords: "s_dash_s_dash_s sss"

s_dash_s_string_string - Inserts a string with %s-%s for use with format functions. - Keywords: "s_dash_s ss"

unixtime - Inserts current unix timestamp. - Keywords: "unixtime unix_time timestamp"

UUID - Generates a new random GUID/UUID. - Keywords: "guid uuid"

Snippets snippets

snippet_boiler - Boilerplate json object for creating a new snippet. - Keywords: "snippet"

snippet_input_choose - Inserts an input with default value for snippets body. - Keywords: "choose"

snippet_input_with_default - Inserts an input with default value for snippets body. - Keywords: "input"

Terraform snippets

tf_email_variable - Inserts a variable block for an email input. - Keywords: email_variable

tf_environment_name_variable - Inserts a variable block for an environment runtime name input. - Keywords: environment_name env_name environment_variable

tf_format - Inserts an already filled format function. - Keywords: format

tf_format_ss - Inserts an already filled format function with 2 %s. - Keywords: format_ss

tf_format_sss - Inserts an already filled format function with 3 %s. - Keywords: format_sss

tf_format_ssss - Inserts an already filled format function with 4 %s. - Keywords: format_ssss

tf_moved - Inserts ready to use move block. - Keywords: moved

tf_replace_special_chars - Inserts a replace function, around selected text, that removes all but alphanumeric chars. - Keywords: replace replace_special_chars text_only tf_replace_special_chars

Terraform testing snippets

tf_test_assertion - Inserts a test assertion resource for integration testing in Terraform. - Keywords: "test_assertion_tf"

tf_test_check - Inserts a check block for use with test assertions resource. - Keywords: "check_test_assertion"

tf_test_equal - Inserts a equal block for use with test assertions resource. - Keywords: "equal_test_assertion"

Azure specific Terraform snippets

app_settings_appi - Add application insights settings to an app service app settings. - Keywords: appi_reference insights_reference appi_app_settings insights_app_settings application insights reference

azurerm_app_service_uami_reference - Inserts a reference to an user assigned identity on an app service. - Keywords: app_service_uami_reference uami_reference user_assigned_identity_reference

azurerm_linux_web_app - Inserts a linux web app terraform resource with standard settings. - Keywords: linux_web_app linux_api_app app_service api_app

azurerm_mssql_server - Inserts a resource setup for an Azure MS SQL server. - Keywords: sql_server mssql_server

azurerm_mssql_server_audit - Inserts resources needed to turn on MSSQL Server auditing to a Log Analytics Workspace. - Keywords: mssql_server_audit

azurerm_provider - Inserts a standard provider block for azurerm. - Keywords: azurerm provider

azurerm_role_assignment - Inserts an azure role assignment. - Keywords: role_assignment rbac

azurerm_service_plan - Inserts a service plan terraform resource with standard settings. - Keywords: plan app_service_plan service_plan

azurerm_storage_account - Inserts a resource for an Azure Storage Account with recommended settings. - Keywords: storage_account

azurerm_uami - Creates a managed identity terraform resource with standard settings. - Keywords: user_assigned_identity identity uami msi

Azure naming snippets

azurerm_naming_app_service_plan - Inserts a local for generating an app service plan name. - Keywords: app_service_plan_naming asp_naming

azurerm_naming_container_registry - Inserts a local for generating a container registry name. - Keywords: container_registry_naming acr_naming

azurerm_naming_function_app - Inserts a local for generating a function app name. - Keywords: function_app_naming func_naming

azurerm_naming_log_analytics - Inserts a local for generating a log analytics name. - Keywords: log_analytics_naming

azurerm_naming_mssql_database - Inserts a local for generating a MSSql database name. - Keywords: mssql_database_naming

azurerm_naming_mssql_server - Inserts a local for generating a MSSql server name. - Keywords: mssql_server_naming

azurerm_naming_service_bus_namespace_naming - Inserts a local for generating a service bus namespace name. - Keywords: service_bus_namespace_naming

azurerm_naming_storage_account - Inserts a local for generating a storage account name. - Keywords: storage_account_naming

Github Workflow snippets

gh_action_input - Inserts a input object for a composite action configuration. - Keywords: "action_input"

gh_checkout_step - Inserts a github checkout step. - Keywords: "checkout"

gh_composite_action - Inserts a boilerplate for starting a new composite action file. - Keywords: "composite_action"

gh_run_action - Inserts a run action step in your github workflow. - Keywords: "run_action"

gh_workflow_job - Inserts a job object for use in a github workflow. - Keywords: "job"

Release Notes

See the release section on Github for latest release notes.