
Ansible role to pull network configs, then save them to a git repository.

Role Name

This role does network device backups, then saves the results to a git repository. It currently only supports Cisco, Arista, Juniper, and Mikrotik.


A git repository, private, not public like I use for testing here should be established. An SSH key should be used to prevent the script from prompting for credentails. This key should be fairly easy to setup. Also your repo clone should be in the form git@xxx.com:account/repo so that it will use SSH to pull and push.

Role Variables

Check the default folder for configurable variables:

# defaults file for network_backup_git
# the local git repo where configs are stored for push/pull
backup_dir: "{{ playbook_dir }}/net_backups"

# what format to save the file as in the git repo
backup_file: "{{ backup_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}"

# location of the repo
backup_repo: git@github.com:gregsowell/net_backups

# git update details
git_name: Greg Sowell
git_email: networkbackups@gregsowell.com



Example Playbook

- name: network device backup to git
  hosts: crtr3
  gather_facts: false
    backup_dir: "{{ playbook_dir }}/net_backups"
    backup_file: "{{ backup_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    backup_repo: git@github.com:gregsowell/backups
    git_name: Git Backup
    git_email: gitbackup@gregsowell.com

  - import_role:
      name: network_backup_git



Author Information

Greg Sowell - GregSowell.com or TheBrothersWISP.com