
A simple, responsive React sidebar component

Primary LanguageJavaScript

react-responsive-sidebar npm version

A simple and elegant responsive sidebar component for react

Sidebar SidebarItem

Getting Started

This component works best as the outer most visual component in your app. You may wrap it in data container components, but it is not suggested to nest it within other visual elements for the time being.

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Sidebar, SidebarItem } from 'react-responsive-sidebar';
import YourAppContent from 'path/to/your/app/content'

const items = [

render (
  <Sidebar content={items}>
    <YourAppContent />
, document.findElementById("render-target"))


Property Type Default Description
background string #009688 background color of the sidebar
color string #fff text color for sidebar items
backdrop bool true show a backdrop when sidebar is opened from collapsed state
closeOnBackdropClick bool true closes the sidebar when the backdrop is clicked
width number 300 width of sidebar
breakPoint number 980 breakpoint where the sidebar collapses (px)
toggleIconSize number 28 size of the toggle icon (px)
toggleIconColor string background color of the icon that toggles the sidebar
content array n/a content to fill the sidebar with (SidebarItem, SidebarSelector)
onCollapse func n/a A function to call when the sidebar collapses/expands. Provides a boolean, true if collapsed, false if expanded.
onOpen func n/a A function to call when the sidebar is toggle. Provides a boolean, true of opened, false if closed.
onItemSelected func n/a A function to call when an item is selected. will provide selected items props.
closeOnItemSelect bool true Sets if the sidebar close when an item is selected
hoverHighlight string rgba(255,255,255,0.15) Sets hoverHighlight prop on each item, unless directly specified on the item
activeHightlight string rgba(255,255,255,0.2) Sets activeHightlight prop on each item, unless directly specified on the item


Property Type Default Description
background string sidebar.background background color, inherited from sidebar if not set manually
color string white text and icon color
href string n/a where to go on click, react-router compatible but not required
leftIcon element n/a Icon used for the left side of the item. (react-icons is a great package for this)
rightIcon element n/a Icon used for the right side of the item. (react-icons is a great package for this)
textAlign string left alignment of the title within the item
hoverHighlight string rgba(255,255,255,0.15) Background color of the item when hovered over
activeHightlight string rgba(255,255,255,0.2) Background color of the item when in the active state (At its href)
onClick func n/a a function to call when the item is clicked