Set up dev environment

Set up database

  • bundle exec rails db:reset
  • bundle exec rails db:fixtures:load

Run servers

  • Run backend server: rails s
  • Open http://localhost:3000/ in a browser.

Improve the web app

  • Search for the word TODO within the project
  • Follow the instructions on the TODO and implement as many as you can
  • Also fix any bug that you find
  • Also improve any code that is confusing and repetitive
  • UI is not important, no need to improve the UI.

Submit your changes

  • Clone this repository.
  • Commit your changes.
    • Create a new branch.
    • Commit code that is logically related.
    • Don't put everything in one commit. It's hard to review the changes if a commit is too big.
  • Push to your own repository.
    • Create a new repository on GitHub. Make sure the repository is private.
    • Push your branch.
    • Add me to your project. My GitHub username is: hgani