
AVR code for the LED disco dance floor

Primary LanguagePython


Install Guide

Download and execute the latest Python 2.* installation package from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/

NOTE - you have to use the command prompt (Win+R, cmd) not bash

Set system environment variables

- set PYTHON_HOME=C:\Python27
- set PATH=%PYTHON_HOME%\bin;%PYTHON_HOME%\Scripts\;%PATH%

If you have python 3 and python 2 py -2 -m pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper-win

If you have just python 2, the above will fail. Instead use: pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper-win

At this point, mkvirtualenv should work - if not, close your command prompt and open it again in the right directory. Second reminder - this only works with the command prompt, not bash.

mkvirtualenv -p C:\Python27\python.exe dance
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone git@github.com:PhilMarsden/DanceFloorV2.git
cd DanceFloorV2
copy flask_secret.dev flask_secret

See floor\processor\template.py for an example template for making a processor

To work on the project

workon dance

python floor\run-show.py --devserver




If you want to access any of the protected endpoints locally, you'll need to specify a .htpasswd file.

The .htpasswd.dev file contains a user named "admin" with the password "password". For local development, you can just use this file, e.g.:

cp .htpasswd.dev .htpasswd