The game

You are in charge of a tiny planet. Nurture its small but growing population by building farms and other facilities, while keeping climate change under control.

Remember, your tiny planet only has a micro-climate, so change can be dramatic!

alt text

3rd-party libraries and tools

Open source:


The Challenge

We have the entire month of November to create a web-based game loosely based on the theme "change".

Developer setup


Install node.js from

npm install -g grunt-cli


git clone gameoff
cd gameoff
npm install


Run static analysis (JSLint)


Run continuous tests (you may need to set the CHROME_BIN environment variable to the location of your Google Chrome executable)

karma start

Coverage reports should appear under /coverage.

You can also run continuous tests within WebStorm by creating a new Karma run configuration and specifying the project's Karma config file.

Launching the game

If you're using WebStorm/IntelliJ, just right-click on index.html and select "Open in browser".

Otherwise, you can just run a simple HTTP server, e.g.

npm install -g http-server
http-server src -p 8001

Then visit http://localhost:8001