
FIRE calculator created using Blazor WebAssembly and C#. Also a Progressive Web App (PWA)

Primary LanguageC#

Blazor FIRE Calculators

These FIRE calculators were created by Bradley Wells using Blazor, a .NET technology that allows you to build dynamic web applications using C# instead of JavaScript.

Is there a demo?

Yes! You can try out the client-side Blazor Fire Calculators at https://fire.wellsb.com/. This is a Blazor WebAssembly app, so all processing is done using client resources. Feedback is welcome!

Which calculators are included?

  • Future Value Calculator - Estimate how much your investments will grow with annual compounding interest and monthly contributions.
  • Fire Age Calculator - Estimate when you will be able to retire based on your current portfolio balance, annual savings, and expected retirement expenses.

What is FIRE?

FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. Financial independence means you no longer have to work for a living. When you have enough income (from investments, real estate, passive business, etc) to pay for your living expenses for the rest of your life, you are financially independent.

How do I become Financially Independent?

  • Spend Less
  • Save More
  • Earn More

When will I be FI?

An important part of the path toward FI is to save as much money as you can, and let that money work for you. Passive index fund investing is a great way to get more out of the money you save. A widely accepted rule of thumb is known as the 4% rule or Safe Withdrawal Rate (SWR). When you have enough saved that you can withdraw and live off of 4% (or less) of your total investments each year, you may be financially independent. In general, if you follow the SWR principle, you can expect your portfolio to grow by a faster rate than the amount you withdraw each year.