
(UPDATED Dec 2019) ESP8266 MQTT JSON Digital LEDs for Home Assistant

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status Build Status

DomusTech APA102 LEDs driver for ESP8266

NOTE To be able to build it you need this version of FastLED BenoitAnastay/FastLED until the main repository add the SPI support for ESP8266

Fork information

The main goal of this fork is to update that code for the last revision of Home Assistant and make it work with APA102

Added SPI Support, check ESP8266 SPI #936

Added a visualizer effect that work by receiving RAW pixel from UDP socket, those packets are sent by a python code

Added web configurator, when no setted up the ESP8266 create a Wifi AP and host a configuration web page, when the builtin led start to flash rapidly you can connect to the network (default name DomusTech-LED) an go to to set up all variables, you can reset those settings by pushing the flash builtin button of the NodeMCU (GPIO0, D3)

Supported Features Include

  • RGB Color Selection
  • Brightness
  • Fade
  • Transitions
  • Effects with Animation Speed
  • Over-the-Air (OTA) Upload from the ArduinoIDE!
  • Music Visualizer (Various effects)
  • DrZZs Effects
  • bkpsu Effects
  • Webserver configurator

Some of the effects incorporate the currrently selected color (sinelon, confetti, juggle, etc) while other effects use pre-defined colors. You can also select custom transition speeds between colors. The transition variable in Home Assistant (HA) also functions to control the animation speed of the currently running animation. The input_slider and automation in the HA configuration example allow you to easily set a transition speed from HA's user interface without needing to use the Services tool.

The default speed for the effects is hard coded and is set when the light is first turned on. When changing between effects, the previously used transition speed will take over. If the effects don't look great, play around with the slider to adjust the transition speed (AKA the effect's animation speed).

Parts List

  • APA102 led strip
  • NodeMCU
  • 5V Power Supply (I'm personaly using computer ATX, but I do not recommand)
  • Header Wires
  • JST SM 4PIN (Commonly used on APA102 strips)

Wiring Diagram


Home Assistant Configuration

MQTT Discovery
  1. Install the Mosquitto add-on with the default configuration via 'Hass.io > ADD-ON STORE'. (Don't forget to start the add-on & verify that 'Start on boot' is enabled.)

  2. Create a new user for MQTT via the Configuration > Users (manage users). (Note: This name cannot be "homeassistant" or "addon")

  3. Once back on-line, return to Configuration > Integrations and select configure next to MQTT.

  Port: 1883
  Enable discovery: CHECKED 

  1. Download ESP8266Flasher.exe

  2. Plug your ESP8266 and click on Flash. (then you can disconnect the ESP8266 and plug it on a power suply)

(Use this fork of nodemcu-pyflasher with both binary files in the same directory or compile it with Arduino IDE and SPIFS support)

  1. When the led of the ESP8266 blink quickly use a computer or a smartphone to connect on the wifi. (it will be limited, no network)

  2. Now go to and enter WIFI information plus MQTT informations and a name (they are all required), click Submit and the ESP8266 will reboot.

You will now have a light entity in Home Assistant named uppun the name you have inserted exemple light.stairs.

If your entity appear nowhere it might be normaln try to edit your overview to add it.

One last thing, the white value is controlling the speed of the effects

OTA Uploading

When asked by the webconfigurator you can set a ota login to be able tu use it with Arduino IDE

Leds meaning
  • Static : Initialising

  • Blinking slowly : Connecting to Wifi

  • Blinking fast : Pairing mode, had created a ad hoc wifi

Buttons usage
  • [FLASH]Short press : cycle effects and Home Assistant publication
  • [FLASH]Long press (6sec) : Flush saved configuration
  • RESET : Reboot the device

Copy past the Home Assistant/config/packages directory into Home Assistant config directory

Now edit your config/packages/rgb_strip.yaml file, replace stairs by anything you want

And add this to you HA configuration.yaml (Making HA reading packages dircetory)

    packages: !include_dir_named packages

Basic Automation with Sensor

When using light.turn_on the strip turn on with the last runned effect

A basic automation with a sensor

  - alias: Turn on strip
      platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.stairs_sensor
      to: 'on'
      - condition: state
        entity_id: light.strip_escalier
        state: 'off'
      - service: light.turn_on
        entity_id: light.strip_escalier
      - service: automation.turn_on
        entity_id: automation.turn_off_strip
  - alias: Turn off strip
      platform: state
      entity_id: light.strip_escalier
      to: 'off'
      - service: light.turn_off
        entity_id: light.strip_escalier
      - service: automation.turn_off
        entity_id: automation.turn_off_strip

Python UDP Visualizer

First thing first, don't forget to modify the python-visualizer/config.py file acordingly to your configuration


Install dependencies using anaconda package manager

After installing Anaconda, run cmd.exe and execute

conda install numpy scipy pyqtgraph pyaudio

The you can run python-visualizer/visualization.py

apt-get install python3 python3-pip portaudio19-dev python-pyaudio
pip3 install numpy scipy pyqtgraph pyaudio --user

The you can run python-visualizer/visualization.py


Main ESP8266 source code : BRUH Automation

Added effects : Scott (Fma965)

UDP Visualizer : Scott Lawson

Conbtinious Integration : Adafruit

FastLED SPI for ESP8266 : Benoit Anastay

FastLED Animation Library : FastLED

Webserver for wifi setup : Christopher Strider Cook

Arduino Client for MQTT : Nick O'Leary

Arduino JSON library : Benoît Blanchon

Arduino SDK : Arduino

ESP8266 core for Arduino : ESP8266 Community Forum

NodeMCU Flasher :Rui Huang