
Manage nodes based on QGraphicsView

Primary LanguageC++


nodeManager is a simple app to create, connect and manage nodes.


You need Qt 5.14 or later, with Qt Creator you can open, build and run qmake/nodeManager.pro. You need a compiler with C++ 17 support.


nodeManager is based on the QGraphicsView examples from Qt:


  • add nodes by pressing "Add node"
  • in move mode, you can move the nodes around
  • in connect mode, you can connect two nodes with a connection
  • hold CTRL while scrolling to zoom in and out
  • hold CTRL while moving an unselected node to select multiple nodes
  • with File -> Save As you can persist the current state as JSON document
  • with File -> Open you can load a persisted file


  • create nodes
  • connect nodes
  • I/O ports for nodes
  • port compatibility
  • colorized port types
  • arithmetic node ops
  • multiple selection
  • zoom
  • persistence


  • unit tests
  • full deployment (sign,notarize)
  • translations