XW: Frontend

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This is intended to be the API frontend and web app of a collaborative sketching service that allows crosswords to be completed collaboratively.

The intended feature set is modest (that's how it always starts):

  1. Crosswords can be created – from an image of a crossword being uploaded. The set of existing crosswords should allow the usual CRUD operations.
  2. Users can sketch on the crossword – the dream obviously being that I can do this with my Apple Pencil on my iPad.
  3. Sketches are synced in real time across all clients.

Obviously the goal is to massively over-engineer everything because otherwise it's not fun. Particular choices that I'm thinking of:

  • Proper CQRS.
  • Event sourcing.
  • I'm pretty excited at using CRDT for the events.
  • As much streaming as possible.
  • ScalaJS front end using React.
  • AUI interface.

The other thing is it'd be nice to have a reasonable playground to experiment with all the cool new FOTM stuff.


SBT is used as the build tool. To quickly spin up a development server (listening on all interfaces on 8080), use:

$ sbt
> server/reStart

Running server/reStart again will rebuild everything necessary and restart the server.


  • Java 8+
  • SBT
  • Node


This is done via SBT also; run tests via:

$ sbt
> test


This doesn't exist yet, as such, but there is a Dockerfile. One builds an image via:

$ docker image build -t xw.frontend:latest .

Notably the JVM in the container is GraalVM; I'm not using an fancy native stuff at the moment though.

Project structure

The project has a few modules.


This module contains code shared between the client and server, and as such is compiled for both the JS and JVM backends; note the directory structure.

This is also where the custom predef we're using is – all the normal default imports are disabled. This is done by shoving the stuff we want in the xw.frontend package object (TLS Scala isn't supported with ScalaJS so we can't use that here). So the definitions are visible without imports, the convention is to use a multi-stage package declaration:

package xw.frontend
package whatever.else

Static resources

This contains the static resources for the web application – the HTML templates (which use Twirl) and, in the future, probably the CSS too. In theory, this would be part of the server module, but Twirl interacts poorly with some of the compiler flags we'd like to use and as a consequence we sequester them off here.


This is the client code for the web application. It's written in ScalaJS and uses scalajs-react because it's cool and fun to not be able to find examples online. I very much imagine that this'll end up using Diode, which I believe scratches many of the same itches as Redux.


This serves both the API for the client and the client itself because at the moment it would be massive drag otherwise. It's implemented with Akka HTTP not because I think that's necessarily a good idea, but rather because I'd like to explore it better because I am fucking confident I'm not using it to its fullest.