What is this?

A modified version of Omnifinity's OpenVR Tracking Example, for Windows updated to send osc.

Uses OpenVR 1.5.17.

Compiled using Visual Studio 2017.


If you supply the parameter "--port " you can choose which port to send the OSC data to.

If you supply the parameter "--ip " you can choose which ip address to send the OSC data to.

How do I compile it?

  1. Make sure that you point your includes and library bin folder to where you have openvr installed on your machine.
  2. Make sure you've got the openvr_api.dll in the same folder as the built example

To start using, clone the repo and recurse the submodules:

$ git clone --recurse-submodules

How do I use it?

  1. Start up Steam VR
  2. Compile and start the example - it launches as a console application


Unable to init VR runtime: Not starting vrserver for background app (121)

Solution: Start Steam VR