A Generic Linux Configuration Framework with Rollback Support

A specification and example implementation

Goals & Characteristics

  • Keep it simple (files are great)
  • Easy to deploy (do not depend on non-basic or complex set of functionality)
  • Keep it fast (IPC and context switch are not that cheap)
  • Provide rollback mechanism and clean communication channel in case of configuration erros
  • Programming language independend
  • Easy to develop (configuration files are text files, easy modifyable during development)

Basic Concept

  • Services are reading from configuration files (format does not matter, may ini, json, xml, ..)
  • Services are notified about configuration changes via SIGHUP signal
  • A system wide service (called configd) manages and coordinates ordering and rollback functionality
  • Configd agents (e.g. SNMP deamon getting new configuration values from clients) communicates only with configd


Signals are used as a lightweight communucation channel betwenn application. Advantage is the easy to use mechanics of signals without heavy IPC mechnanism. But note: other IPC transport mechanism are also legit, like IPC, but if using dbus-deamon the number of context switches will be increased (because the dbus-deamon is always in between) as well as the application integration (dbus implemenation within service vs. signal callback handler within service)

To Serviced from *

  • SIGHUP: config has changed, please reload configuration

To Configd from Services

  • SIGUSR1: okay, no failure or error in config
  • SIGUSR2: failure - error config
  • SIGHUP: (re)load all services, probably due to new parameters (written by service during configuration phase)


  • Two services:
  • network service, configures the Linux network subsystem, waiting for IP adress changes (ip-address)
  • calculator service, multiply parameters and discard results, waiting for new parameter (calc-number)
  • Configd, coordinates everything
  • Web agent, webgui where the two parameters (ip-address & calc-number) modified
  1. User enters new calc-number
  2. via IPC web-agent send the new address to configd and blocks for result (web gui spins, user waiting)
  3. configd
  • check in local data-model and do sanity-checks (like valid type, not more)
  • saves old network.ini and common.ini
  • write calc-number in common.ini
  • notify first applications in their pre-defined about new configurations (not the exact change!) by sending a SIGHUP to application network service
  1. network-service check network.ini if changes are done (e.g. md5 sum of content). No changes are done, so nothing must be done, network-service send SIGUSR1 to configd informing that everything was okay with the new configuration
  2. configd will wait until signal is received from service or will resend after a pre-defined timeout (e.g. 2 seconds). Signal was returned by network-services with a positive signal, configd goes ahead.
  3. calculator-service will check common.ini. Realize file was modified, calculating the changes parameters with the result calc-number was changed. caluclator-service will start no calculation.
  • Because the value was valid, calculator-service will send back SIGUSR1 to signal value was fine
  1. configd will wait for signal, SIGUSR1 is received, everything is fine. configd will now inform web-agent that the configuration was successfully.

Summary Overhead:

  • two IPC calls betwenn configd and web-agend ("new parameter and positive answer")
  • one file write (new parameter)
  • four signal between application