Building a group chat app with AWS Amplify

The motivation behind this example is to explore the handling of live lists of sorted data with Amplify API (AppSync & GraphQL Transformer).

The app consists of 3 routes:

  • channel?id={id} A chat room identified by an id. A user can send and receive messages in real-time. Messages are sorted by descending message creation data (newest at the bottom).

  • channels A list of channels sorted by ascending last update date (newest always at the top).

  • me A form that a user can fill to share more about themselves.

Clone the repo

git clone

Run locally

npm install
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Deploy your own

From the console


From the amplify cli

rm src/aws-exports.js
rm -rf amplify

amplify init

amplify add api

# When prompted for a schema, point to ./schema.graphql

amplify push