
Worked example from API Days (New York) Omnichannel workshop

Primary LanguagePython


Worked example from API Days (New York) Omnichannel workshop Starting from a locally hosted instance of privateGPT, we will host and run FreeClimb application that provides the same experience via SMS, Voice, and (presuming available time) a simple web form.

This repository includes a simple example constructed ahead of time as well as the code that was created during the actual process of the demo. In addition a script that attempts to setup privateGPT for the demo is provided, without any guarantees as to accuracy or functionality (note, to get optimal functionality on a M1/2/3 Mac, you will need to follow the steps here to utilize the GPU).

Steps to setup FreeClimb Application

  1. Create FreeClimb Account https://freeclimb.com/dashboard/login/
  2. Register a new FreeClimb Application screenshot showing how to register a FreeClimb Application
  3. Setup Voice Callback, SMS Callback, and Status Callback with server URL (ngrok or other means of exposing an application)
  4. Purchase a FreeClimb phone number and assign to the FreeClimb Application created in step 2
  5. Verify your server is receiving traffic when calling and texting the number

FreeClimb Application Flow

    participant fc as FreeClimb
    participant eu as End User
    participant s as Server
    eu ->> fc: Customer calls registered FreeClimb number
    fc ->> s: FreeClimb notifies server about incoming call
    s ->> s: Server determines expected action for call
    s ->> fc: Server returns response to FreeClimb request
    fc ->> eu: Accepts call, performs next PerCL action
    loop Previous PerCL Completed
    fc ->> s: FreeClimb returns result from PerCL, requests new PerCL
    s ->> fc: Server responds with new PerCL

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