
HTML5 interactive visualisations of proteomic experiments

Primary LanguageJavaScript


peptagram generates a single-page HTML5 web-app to visualize proteomics analyses for:

  1. a sequence overview of a single proteomics experiment (example),
  2. a graphical comparison between multiple proteomics experiment (example).

The resulting HTML5 web-app is:

  • instantly available: runs on any modern webbrowser
  • cross-platform: everyone has a webbrowser
  • self-contained: just zip directory and send by email
  • publishable: installable on any server, even on Dropbox

More information at http://boscoh.github.io/peptagram.


peptagram consists of a set of python scripts that converts proteomics data into an HTML5 visualisation.

To generate the visualisations, you must have python installed. If you have the python installer pip, then:

> pip install peptagram

Otherwise, download and unzip the package from https://github.com/boscoh/peptagram/archive/master.zip

And install from the package directory:

> python setup.py install

peptagram has two python dependencies:

  1. pymzml to read .mzML files
  2. uniprot to get protein sequences from http://uniprot.org.

These should be installed automatically from the above scripts, but if that fails, you may need to install them manually.


  1. User guide to the HTML5 visualisation http://boscoh.github.io/peptagram/vizhelp.html.

  2. Examples for generating visualisations from standard formats http://boscoh.github.io/peptagram/vizgen.html.

  3. Programming API to use custom data http://boscoh.github.io/peptagram/api.html.

  4. Source code and open-source contributions http://github.com/boscoh/peptagram.


Contributors: Rob Goode.
Original concept by Oded Kleifeld.
Developed at the Monash Proteomics Facility.
Copyright (c) 2013, Bosco K. Ho.



  • separated the delete_empty_proteins out in the proteins module