Example app for the course "Fundamentals of Distributed Systems" on Pluralsight, by Michael L Perry.
To run on a Mac, you will need to run SQL Server in a Docker container.
Install Docker Desktop for the Mac, and then pull the base image using Scripts/pull.sh
Then start up a container using Scripts/startsql.sh
To connect to that instance of SQL Server, you will need to change the connection string. The easiest way to do this is with User Secrets. Manage the user secrets for Festify.Promotion.csproj. You can use the .NET Core User Secrets extension by Adrian Wilczyński. Set your user secrets file like this:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"PromotionContext": "Data Source=.;Database=Festify-promotion;User ID=sa;Password=Pass@word1;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
Install the EF command-line tools in order to work with the application database. Run this command:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
Initialize the application database by running migrations. Use the following command:
dotnet ef database update --project Festify.Promotion/
Start up the Promotion Web application with this command:
dotnet run --project Festify.Promotion
Or run Festify.Promotion from Visual Studio.
The Emailer is a mock service that stands in for a process that emails about new shows. It uses MassTransit to manage RabbitMQ. To start RabbitMQ, create a Docker container. To start it in a Docker container, run the shell script:
Then start the Emailer and schedule a show.
The Indexer also requires RabbitMQ. Follow the instructions above for the Emailer. In addition, the Indexer requires Elasticsearch. To start it in a Docker container, run the shell script:
Visit http://localhost:9200 in your browser to verify that it is running. Then schedule a show and query Elasticsearch at http://localhost:9200/shows/_search?pretty.