
Delightful Tailwind Support for Symfony + AssetMapper

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Tailwind CSS for Symfony!

This bundle makes it easy to use Tailwind CSS with Symfony's AssetMapper Component (no Node required!).

  • Automatically downloads the correct standalone Tailwind CSS binary;
  • Adds a tailwind:build command to build & watch for changes;
  • Transparently swaps in the compiled CSS.

Note Want to use Tailwind CSS with WebpackEncore instead? Check out the Tailwind + Symfony Docs.


Install the bundle & initialize your app with two commands:

composer require symfonycasts/tailwind-bundle
php bin/console tailwind:init

Done! This will create a tailwind.config.js file and make sure your assets/styles/app.css contains the Tailwind directives.


To use the Tailwind CSS file, start by including the input file (assets/styles/app.css by default) in base.html.twig. It's quite likely you already have this:

{# templates.base.html.twig #}

{% block stylesheets %}
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('assets/app.css') }}">
{% endblock %}

The bundle works by swapping out the contents of assets/app.css with the compiled CSS automatically. For this to work, you need to run the tailwind:build command:

php bin/console tailwind:build --watch

That's it! This will watch for changes to your assets/styles/app.css file and automatically recompile it when needed. If you refresh the page, the final app.css file will already contain the compiled CSS.

How Does It Work?

The first time you run one of the Tailwind commands, the bundle will download the correct Tailwind binary for your system into a var/tailwind/ directory.

When you run tailwind:build, that binary is used to compile your CSS file into a var/tailwind/tailwind.built.css file. Finally, when the contents of assets/styles/app.css is requested, the bundle swaps the contents of that file with the contents of var/tailwind/tailwind.built.css. Nice!


When you deploy, run the tailwind:build command before the asset-map:compile command so the built file is available:

php bin/console tailwind:build
php bin/console asset-map:compile


To see the full config from this bundle, run:

php bin/console config:dump symfonycasts_tailwind

The main option is input_css option, which defaults to assets/styles/app.css. This represents the "source" Tailwind file (the one that contains the @tailwind directives):

# config/packages/symfonycasts_tailwind.yaml
    input_css: 'assets/styles/other.css'

Using a Different Binary

The standalone Tailwind binary comes with the first-party plugins. However, if you want to add extra plugins, you may choose to install Tailwind via npm instead:

npm add tailwindcss

To instruct the bundle to use that binary instead, set the binary option:

# config/packages/symfonycasts_tailwind.yaml
    binary: 'node_modules/.bin/tailwindcss'