Primary LanguagePython

Dynamic Accumulated Supervised Contrastive Parallel Learning

Supervised Contrastive Parallel Learning (SCPL) is a novel approach that decouples BP by multiple local training objectives and supervised contrastive learning. It transforms the original deep network's long gradient flow into multiple short gradient flows and trains the parameters in different layers independently through a pipelined design. This method achieves faster training speed than BP by addressing the inefficiency caused by backward locking in backpropagation.

We improved the architecture of SCPL, which enables dynamic layer accumulation, forward shortcuts, and early exits. This new architecture is called Dynamic Accumulated Supervised Contrastive Parallel Learning (DASCPL). Based on these two features, DASCPL offers higher flexibility and adaptability compared to SCPL while maintaining consistent learning capabilities.

Now, both DASCPL and SCPL can be demonstrated in the visual and natural language domains through this repository.


Name Version Note
Python 3.8.12 Please install it from Anaconda.
CUDA 11.4.1 You can download it from here.
PyTorch 1.12.1+cu113 Include 0.13.1+cu113 version of torchvision.
You can download it from here.
Others in the requirements.txt file.
Please use pip to install them.

The packages listed above are the ones we use in our development environment. However, this environment may encounter some issues during testing. To address this, we have provided an alternative list of environments which we have tried as follows:

Name Version Note
Python 3.8.12 Please install it from Anaconda.
CUDA 12.0.1 You can download it from here.
PyTorch 2.0.1+cu118 Include 0.15.2+cu118 version of torchvision.
You can download it from here or here.
Others in the requirements.txt file.
Please use pip to install them.


Make an Environment

General use

Tested under Python 3.8.12 on Ubuntu 20.04. Install the required packages by running the following command:

$ pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

We also have provided an alternative list of environments which we have tried as follows:

$ pip install torch==2.0.1+cu118 torchvision==0.15.2+cu118 torchaudio==2.0.2+cu118 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Docker use

Additionally, you can simulate the experiment using Docker with the following steps:

$ docker pull nvidia/cuda:11.4.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04
$ docker run --gpus all --name dascpl_env -p 19000:8888 --shm-size="10g" nvidia/cuda:11.4.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04
$ docker start dascpl_env
$ docker exec -it dascpl_env /bin/bash
$ apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install git wget -y
$ wget --quiet https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2022.05-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/anaconda.sh && /bin/bash ~/anaconda.sh -b && rm ~/anaconda.sh && source /root/anaconda3/bin/activate && conda init
$ conda create --name dascpl python=3.8.12 -y && conda activate dascpl
$ git clone https://github.com/minyaho/DASCPL.git
$ cd DASCPL/
$ pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 torchvision==0.13.1+cu113 torchaudio==0.12.1 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu113
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name dascpl --display-name "dascpl"
$ conda activate dascpl # used before every time experiment
$ # pip install notebook==6.4.8 # If you want to use Jupyter Notebook.
$ # jupyter notebook --port=8888 --no-browser --ip= --allow-root --NotebookApp.token="dascpl"# If you want to use Jupyter Notebook, please execute this command and access it through port 19000 and token is "dascpl". 

We also have provided an alternative list of environments which we have tried as follows:

$ docker pull nvidia/cuda:12.0.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04
$ docker run --gpus all --name dascpl_env -p 19000:8888 --shm-size="10g" nvidia/cuda:12.0.1-cudnn8-devel-ubuntu20.04
$ docker start dascpl_env
$ docker exec -it dascpl_env /bin/bash
$ apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get install git wget -y
$ wget --quiet https://repo.anaconda.com/archive/Anaconda3-2022.05-Linux-x86_64.sh -O ~/anaconda.sh && /bin/bash ~/anaconda.sh -b && rm ~/anaconda.sh && source /root/anaconda3/bin/activate && conda init
$ conda create --name dascpl python=3.8.12 -y && conda activate dascpl
$ git clone https://github.com/minyaho/DASCPL.git
$ cd DASCPL/
$ pip install torch==2.0.1+cu118 torchvision==0.15.2+cu118 torchaudio==2.0.2+cu118 --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python -m ipykernel install --user --name dascpl --display-name "dascpl"
$ conda activate dascpl # used before every time experiment
$ # pip install notebook==6.4.8 # If you want to use Jupyter Notebook.
$ # jupyter notebook --port=8888 --no-browser --ip= --allow-root --NotebookApp.token="dascpl"# If you want to use Jupyter Notebook, please execute this command and access it through port 19000 and token is "dascpl". 

If you don't want to create the environment yourself, you can also directly get a pre-prepared image from Docker Hub.

  • CUDA 11.4.1 and Pytorch 1.12.1+cu113
$ docker pull minyaho/dascpl:c1141p1121
$ docker run --gpus all --name dascpl_env -p 19000:8888 --shm-size="10g" minyaho/dascpl:c1141p1121
$ docker start dascpl_env
$ docker exec -it dascpl_env /bin/bash
$ git clone https://github.com/minyaho/DASCPL.git
$ cd DASCPL/
$ conda activate dascpl
  • CUDA 11.4.1 and Pytorch 1.12.1+cu113
$ docker pull minyaho/dascpl:c1201p201
$ docker run --gpus all --name dascpl_env -p 19000:8888 --shm-size="10g" minyaho/dascpl:c1201p201
$ docker start dascpl_env
$ docker exec -it dascpl_env /bin/bash
$ git clone https://github.com/minyaho/DASCPL.git
$ cd DASCPL/
$ conda activate dascpl

Download Datasets


  • Tiny-imagenet-200: Download here. This zip file contains the tinyImageNet dataset processed in the PyTorch ImageFolder format.

    Unzip the file using the command unzip tiny-imagenet-200.zip. Place the unzipped folder (./tiny-imagenet-200) in the root of your project.


  • IMDB: Please download the dataset from here.

    Put this file (IMDB_Dataset.csv) in the root of your project.

Download Word Embedding

  • Glove
    # cd to the path of your project
    $ wget https://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.6B.zip
    $ unzip glove.6B.zip
    # "glove.6B.300d.txt" must be put in the root of the project

Quick Start

There are many arguments that can be used in the code.



$ python train_vision.py [Options]


Name Default Description
--model VGG_BP_m Model name
--dataset cifar10 Dataset name
Options: cifar10, cifar100 or tinyImageNet
--times 1 Number of experiments to run
--epochs 200 Number of training epochs
--train_bsz 1024 Batch size of training data
--test_bsz 1024 Batch size of test data
--base_lr 0.001 Initial learning rate
--end_lr 0.00001 Learning rate at the end of training
--temperature 0.1 Temperature parameter of contrastive loss
--gpus 0 ID of the GPU device. If you want to use multiple GPUs, you can separate their IDs with commas, e.g., 0,1. For single GPU models, only the first GPU ID will be used.
--seed -1 Random seed used in the experiment. Use -1 to generate a random seed for each run.
--multi_t true Multi-threading flag. Set it to "true" to enable multi-threading, or "false" to disable it.
--proj_type None Projective head type in contrastive loss. Use i for identity, l for linear, and m is mlp.
--pred_type None Predictor type in predict loss. Use i for identity, l for linear, and m is mlp.
--save_path None Save path of the model log. Different types of logs, such as training logs, model results (JSON), and tensorboard files, can be saved. Use "None" to disable saving.
--profiler false Model profiler. Set it to "true" to enable the profiler and specify the "save_path". Set it to "false" to disable the profiler.
--train_eval ture Flag to enable evaluation during training (only for multi-GPU models).
--train_eval_times 1 The number of epochs between evaluations during training.
--temperature 0.1 Temperature parameter of contrastive loss.
--aug_type strong Type of Data augmentation. Use basic augmentation like BP (backpropagation) commonly used, or strong augmentation like contrastive learning used.
Options: basic, strong


  • VGG8
    • SingleGPU: VGG_BP, VGG_SCPL
    • MultiGPU: VGG_BP_m, VGG_BP_p_m, VGG_SCPL_m, VGG_DASCPL_m
  • ResNet18
    • SingleGPU: resnet_BP, resnet_SCPL
    • MultiGPU: resnet_BP_m, resnet_BP_p_m, resnet18_SCPL_m, resnet_DASCPL_m
  • Suffix meaning
    • m: MultiGPU model. Similarly, it can also be experimented with a single GPU.
    • p: Specify the predictor in a model. You need to set the pred_type. All DSCPL type models have this option by default (not shown in the suffix).


cifar10, cifar100 or tinyImageNet

Projector Type

This option is only available on MultiGPU type of SCPL or DASCPL.

Predictor Type

This option is only available on MultiGPU type of DASCPL or p-suffix models.


$ python train_vision.py \
  --model="VGG_SCPL_m" --dataset="cifar10" --times=5  \
  --train_bsz=1024 --test_bsz=1024 \
  --base_lr=0.001 --end_lr=0.00001 \
  --epochs=200 --seed=-1 \
  --multi_t="true" --gpus="0" \
  --proj_type="m" --aug_type="strong" \



$ python train_nlp.py [Options]


Name Default Description
--model LSTM_BP_m_d Model name
--dataset ag_news Dataset name
Options: ag_news, dbpedia_14, sst2, imdb
--times 1 Number of experiments to run
--epochs 50 Number of training epochs
--train_bsz 1024 Batch size of training data
--test_bsz 1024 Batch size of test data
--base_lr 0.001 Initial learning rate
--end_lr 0.001 Learning rate at the end of training
--temperature 0.1 Temperature parameter of contrastive loss
--gpus 0 ID of the GPU device. If you want to use multiple GPUs, you can separate them with commas, e.g., 0,1. For single GPU models, only the first GPU ID will be used.
--seed -1 Random seed in the experiment. Use -1 to generate a random seed for each run.
--multi_t true Multi-threading flag. Set it to "true" to enable multi-threading, or "false" to disable it.
--proj_type None Projective head type in contrastive loss. Use i for identity, l for linear, and m for mlp.
--pred_type None Predictor type in predict loss. Use i for identity, l for linear, and m for mlp.
--save_path None Save path of the model log. Different types of logs, such as training logs, model results (JSON), and tensorboard files, can be saved. Use "None" to disable saving.
--profiler false Model profiler. Set it to "true" to enable the profiler and specify the "save_path". Set it to "false" to disable the profiler.
--train_eval ture Flag to enable evaluation during training (only for multi-GPU models).
--train_eval_times 1 The number of epochs between evaluations during training.
--temperature 0.1 Temperature parameter of contrastive loss.
--max_len 60 Maximum length for the sequence of input samples
--h_dim 300 Dimensions of the hidden layer
--layers 4 Number of layers of the model. The minimum is 2. The first layer is the pre-training embedding layer, and the latter layer is lstm or transformer.
--heads 6 Number of heads in the transformer encoder. This option is only available for the Transformer model.
--vocab_size 30000 Size of vocabulary dictionary.
--word_vec glove Type of word embedding
--emb_dim 300 Dimension of word embedding
--noise_rate 0.0 Noise rate of labels in training dataset (default is 0 for no noise).


  • LSTM
    • MultiGPU: LSTM_BP_m_d, LSTM_BP_p_m_d, LSTM_SCPL_m_d, LSTM_DASCPL_m_d
  • Transformer
    • SingleGPU: Trans_BP_3, Trans_BP_4, Trans_BP_d, Trans_SCPL_3, Trans_SCPL_4
    • MultiGPU: Trans_BP_m_d, Trans_BP_p_m_d, Trans_SCPL_m_d, Trans_DASCPL_m_d
  • Suffix meaning
    • <number>: The number of layers. e.g., the model LSTM_SCPL_3 has three layers.
    • m: MultiGPU model. Similarly, it can also be experimented with a single GPU.
    • d: Customize the number of layers.
    • p: Specify the predictor in a model. You need to set the pred_type. All DSCPL type models have this option by default (not shown in the suffix).


Name max_len
sst2 15
ag_news 60
imdb 350
dbpedia_14 400

Projector Type

This option is only available on MultiGPU type of SCPL or DASCPL.

Predictor Type

This option is only available on MultiGPU type of DASCPL or p-suffix models.


$ python train_nlp.py \
  --model="LSTM_SCPL_m_d" --dataset="ag_news" --times=5  \
  --train_bsz=1024 --test_bsz=1024 \
  --base_lr=0.001 --end_lr=0.001 \
  --epochs=50 --seed=-1 \
  --multi_t="true" --gpus="0" \
  --proj_type="i" --max_len=60 \
  --h_dim=300 --layers=4 \