


Tested under Conda 4.13.0 (Python 3.10.10) and Conda 4.12.0 (Python 3.9.12) in Ubuntu.
Create conda environment and install the required packages by running the following command:

$ conda install pytorch==1.13.1 torchvision==0.14.1 torchaudio==0.13.1 pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
$ pip install pyg_lib torch_scatter torch_sparse torch_cluster torch_spline_conv -f https://data.pyg.org/whl/torch-1.13.0+cu116.html
$ pip install dgl==1.0.1+cu116 -f https://data.dgl.ai/wheels/cu116/repo.html
$ pip install PyGCL
$ pip install scipy==1.10

Evaluaion tool

Evaluation is performed using trec_eval. Install the tool in the "Retrieval_result/" directory.

File Description

The following files are located under the "datasets/" directory:

  • Download data: Access the data by following this ecir-2020 link.
  • encoder/
    • opt_char_embeding.txt: Feature embedding with Tangent-CFT in OPT form
    • slt_char_embeding.txt: Feature embedding with Tangent-CFT in SLT form
    • opt_list.txt: Formula path in OPT form
    • slt_list.txt: Formula path in SLT form
    • query_opt_list.txt: Query formula path in OPT form
    • query_slt_list.txt: Query formula path in SLT form
    • opt_judge: Judged formula path in OPT form
    • slt_judge: Judged formala path in SLT form

Quick Start

Unzip file

Navigate to the "datasets/encoder" directory and unzip the files:

$ cd datasets/encoder
$ tar zxvf opt_list.txt.tgz
$ tar zxvf slt_list.txt.tgz

Training using SLT or OPT encoding alone

Choose one of the following <train_model> options: "train_query_InfoGraph_slt_or_opt.py", "train_query_GCL_slt_or_opt.py", or "train_query_BGRL_slt_or_opt.py".

  • Usage:
    $ python <train_model>
      --encode <slt or opt>
      --bs <batch size>
      --pretrained <set to use Tangent-CFT embedding as feature>
      --run_id <run id>
  • Example:
    $ python train_query_InfoGraph_slt_or_opt.py --encode opt --bs 256 --pretrained --run_id 1

Training using both SLT and OPT encodings

This script assumes that both the slt embedding and opt embedding are generated.

Choose one of the following <train_model> options: "train_query_InfoGraph_slt_plus_opt.py", "train_query_GCL_slt_plus_opt.py", or "train_query_BGRL_slt_plus_opt.py".

  • Usage:
    $ python <train_model>
      --bs <batch size>
      --pretrained <set to use Tangent-CFT embedding as feature>
      --run_id <run id>
  • Example:
    $ python train_query_InfoGraph_slt_plus_opt.py --bs 256 --pretrained --run_id 1


  • The above retrieval result file are saved in the following format:
    Retrieval_result/<model>/<graph encode form>/<batch size>/<run id>/<retrieval_res>
  • To perform the evaluation, follow these steps:
    $ cd Retrieval_result/

Choose one of the following measure options: "bpref" or "ndcg"

  • Usage:
    $ ./trec_eval/trec_eval -m <measure> ./NTCIR12_MathWiki-qrels_judge.dat <retrieval file path>
  • Example:
    $ ./trec_eval/trec_eval -m bpref ./NTCIR12_MathWiki-qrels_judge.dat GCL/opt/2048/1/retrieval_res5_1_end
  • For bpref full relevent:
    $ ./trec_eval/trec_eval -m bpref -l3 ./NTCIR12_MathWiki-qrels_judge.dat <retrieval file path>
  • Example:
    $ ./trec_eval/trec_eval -m bpref -l3 ./NTCIR12_MathWiki-qrels_judge.dat GCL/opt/2048/1/retrieval_res5_1_end