Supervised Contrastive Parallel Learning


Tested under Python 3.8.12 in Ubuntu. Install the required packages by

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

File Description

Quick Start


$ unzip

Config Settings

  • data section
    • dataset: dataset for experiments. Options: cifar10, cifar100 or tinyImageNet
    • train_batch_size: batch size for training
    • test_batch_size: batch size for testing
    • augmentation: use basic augmentation like BP commonly used, or strong augmentation like contrastive learning used. Options: basic, strong
  • model section
    • model: model and loss functions for experiments. Options: CNN, CNN_AL, CNN_SCPL, CNN_PredSim, VGG, VGG_AL, VGG_SCPL, VGG_PredSim, resnet, resnet_AL, resnet_SCPL, resnet_PredSim
    • epochs: number of epochs for training
    • base_lr: initial learning rate
    • end_lr: learning rate at the end of training
  • Example
dataset = tinyImageNet
train_batch_size = 128
test_batch_size = 1024
augmentation = strong

model = VGG
epochs = 200
base_lr = 0.001
end_lr = 0.00001


$ python
  • Then, the tensorboard logger results will be saved in {work_dir}/{model}/{dataset}/tb_{i} folder where i means the i-th experiment