
An expert recommender system based on digital library

Primary LanguagePython


ExpertSeers is a generic framework for expert recommendation based on a digital library. Given a query term q, ExpertSeers recommends experts of q by retrieving authors who published relevant papers of a certain quality. ExpertSeers is domain independent. It can be applied to different disciplines and applications because it is automated and not tailored to a specific discipline.

We apply the framework to build CSSeers, an expert recommender systems based on the CiteSeerX digital library and recommends experts in computer science. Visit http://csseers.ist.psu.edu/ to see the demonstration.


Hung-Hsuan Chen (hhchen@psu.edu)

Required software/packages

  1. Python 2.6+
  2. MySQL Server 5.1+
  3. Django 1.4+
  4. Python libraries:
    1. Python-gflags http://code.google.com/p/python-gflags/
    2. python-wikitools http://code.google.com/p/python-wikitools/
    3. solrpy http://code.google.com/p/solrpy/
    4. lxml http://lxml.de/
  5. Apache Solr 3.6.2 (a tgz file of Apache Solr 3.6.2 is included in the project root)