
ETHZ AML Projects 2023

Primary LanguagePython

Advanced Machine Learning Projects

Codes for the 2023 ETH Zürich course Advanced Machine Learning.

Task 1: Predict the age of a brain from MRI features

  1. Outlier removal
    • Remove median and scale data according to interquartile range
    • Imputation for missing values using k-Nearest Neighbors
    • Principal component analysis, reduction to 2 components
    • Isolation Forest Algorithm, with contamination of 4.5% to detect/remove outliers (55)
  2. Preprocessing + feature selection
    • Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance
    • Imputation for missing values using k-Nearest Neighbors
    • Remove features that have zero variance
    • Select the 200 features that have the highest correlation with target
    • Select features based on importance weights of Lasso regression (74)
  3. Model selection
    • Stacked regression model consisting of
      • Support Vector Regression
      • Histogram-based Gradient Boosting Regression Tree
      • Extra-trees regressor
      • Multi-layer Perceptron regressor
    • All hyperparameters are found/validated through 10-fold cross-validated grid search

Task 2: Heart rhythm classification from raw ECG signals

  1. feature extraction
    • use biosppy to extract raw features (cleaned signal, rpeaks, heart beats, heart rate)
    • find S, Q, P, and T points using neurokit
    • some of the signals are inverted, to combat this we add the inverse of all signals
    • use binned FFT and autocorrelation of full spectrum
    • compute various time intervals between R, S, Q, P, and T points (and their on/offsets)
    • use mean, standard deviation, median, and variance of the features
  2. preprocessing
    • because the dataset is imbalanced, we use random over sampling
    • scale every feature to zero mean and unit variance
  3. training
    • use HistGradientBoostingClassifier from sklearn
    • optimize hyper parameters with RandomizedGridSearchCV

Task 3: Mitral valve segmentation

  1. preprocessing
    • images are padded to be square and rescaled to 128x128 pixels
    • move the frame axis of videos and labels to the front
  2. box prediction
    • use Attention R2U-Net to predict boxes
    • use Adam optimizer and BCEWithLogitsLoss loss
    • augment images by
      • random erasing of image portion
      • random affine transformation (rotate, translate, scale, shear)
      • random perspective
    • train first on amateur data, then on expert data
    • split train/validation set over patients not frames
    • train with batch size 16, until the best validation score does not decrease for 3 epochs
    • average all boxes for one video, use threshold of 0.5 to create binary mask
  3. movement computation
    • use robust non-negative matrix factorization to detect moving pixels in videos
    • rank=2 and sparsity=0.1
    • normalize videos and movement to be between 0 and 1
  4. valve segmentation
    • use Attention R2U-Net to predict boxes
    • use Adam optimizer and BCEWithLogitsLoss loss
    • augment images by
      • random erasing of image portion in the shape of a circle from a random point in the label
        • mimics occlusion of valve in unlabeled frames
      • random affine transformation (rotate, translate, scale, shear)
      • random perspective
    • assemble inputs as 3 channel stacked tensors (frame, box, movement)
    • train first on amateur data, then on expert data
    • split train/validation set over patients not frames
    • train with batch size 8, until the best validation score does not decrease for 5 epochs
    • use threshold of 0.5 for each prediction
  5. postprocessing
    • rescale to original size and remove padding
    • move frame axis back to the rear