
Terraform modules that manage the workflow of custom and built-in Azure Policies

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Azure Policy as Code with Terraform

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Repo Folder Structure

  └──📂policy_category (e.g. General, should correspond to [var.policy_category])
      └──📜policy_name.json (e.g. whitelist_regions, should correspond to [var.policy_name])
  ├──📜build_guest_config_packages.ps1 (build and publish azure policy guest configuration packages)
  └──📜convert_to_v2.ps1 (converts policies to version 2 of the repo library)

Policy Definitions Module

module whitelist_regions {
  source                = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/definition"
  version               = "2.3.1"
  policy_name           = "whitelist_regions"
  display_name          = "Allow resources only in whitelisted regions"
  policy_category       = "General"
  management_group_name = local.default_management_group_scope_name

💡 Note: policy_name should match the JSON filename. The module assumes that policy_category is also the category folder name which is a child of the policies folder. Template files can also be parsed in at runtime, see the definition module readme for more information on acceptable inputs.

💡 Note: Specify the policy_mode variable if you wish to change the mode of a definition from the module default All to Indexed.

ℹ️ Microsoft Docs: Azure Policy definition structure

Policy Initiative (Set Definitions) Module

Policy Initiatives are used to combine sets of definitions in order to simplify their assignment

module platform_baseline_initiative {
  source                  = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/initiative"
  version                 = "2.3.1"
  initiative_name         = "platform_baseline_initiative"
  initiative_display_name = "[Platform]: Baseline Policy Set"
  initiative_description  = "Collection of policies representing the baseline platform requirements"
  initiative_category     = "General"
  management_group_name   = local.default_management_group_scope_name

  member_definition_ids = [ 

⚠️ Warning: If any two member_definition_ids contain the same parameters then they will be merged() by this module, in most cases this is beneficial but if unique values are required it may be best practice to set unique keys such as [parameters('whitelist_resources_effect')] instead of [parameters('effect')].

Policy Definition Assignment Module

module org_mg_whitelist_regions {
  source                = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/def_assignment"
  version               = "2.3.1"
  definition            = module.whitelist_regions.definition
  assignment_scope      = local.default_assignment_scope
  assignment_effect     = "Deny"
  assignment_parameters = {
    "listOfRegionsAllowed" = [
      "UK South",
      "UK West",

Policy Initiative Assignment Module

module org_mg_platform_diagnostics_initiative {
  source               = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/set_assignment"
  version              = "2.3.1"
  initiative           = module.platform_diagnostics_initiative.initiative
  assignment_scope     = local.default_assignment_scope
  assignment_effect    = "DeployIfNotExists"
  skip_remediation     = var.skip_remediation
  skip_role_assignment = false
  role_definition_ids  = module.platform_diagnostics_initiative.role_definition_ids
  assignment_parameters = {
    workspaceId                 = azurerm_log_analytics_workspace.workspace.id
    storageAccountId            = azurerm_storage_account.sa.id
    eventHubName                = azurerm_eventhub_namespace.ehn.name
    eventHubAuthorizationRuleId = azurerm_eventhub_namespace_authorization_rule.ehnar.id
    metricsEnabled              = "True"
    logsEnabled                 = "True"

  depends_on = [

Policy Exemption Module

Use the exemption module to create an auditable and time-sensitive not_scope Policy exemption:

data azurerm_resources keyvaults {
  type                = "Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults"
  resource_group_name = "rg-dev-uks-vaults"

module exemption_team_a_mg_key_vaults_require_purge_protection {
  source   = "gettek/policy-as-code/azurerm//modules/exemption"
  for_each = toset(data.azurerm_resources.keyvaults.resources.*.id)
  providers = {
    azurerm = azurerm.team_a
  name                            = "Key vaults should have purge protection enabled Exemption"
  scope                           = each.value
  policy_assignment_id            = module.team_a_mg_key_vaults_require_purge_protection.id
  exemption_category              = "Waiver"
  expires_on                      = "2022-05-31"
  display_name                    = "Exempted for testing"
  description                     = "Do not require purge protection on KVs while testing"

Assignment Effects

Azure Policy supports the following types of effect:

Types Policy Effects from least to most restrictive

💡 Note: If you're managing tags, it's recommended to use Modify instead of Append as Modify provides additional operation types and the ability to remediate existing resources. However, Append is recommended if you aren't able to create a managed identity or Modify doesn't yet support the alias for the resource property.

ℹ️ Microsoft Docs: Understand how effects work

Automate Remediation Tasks

The def_assignment and set_assignment modules will automatically create remediation tasks for policies with effects of DeployIfNotExists and Modify. The task name is suffixed with a timestamp to ensure a new task gets created on each terraform apply. This can be prevented with -var "skip_remediation=true".

💡 Note: The required Role Definitions for the System Assigned Identity will be scoped at the policy assignment by default, you can override these as seen here or specify skip_role_assignment=true to omit creation.

Definition and Assignment Scopes

  • Should be Defined as high up in the hierarchy as possible
  • Should be Assigned as low down in the hierarchy as possible
  • assignment_not_scopes such as child resource groups, individual resources or entire subscriptions, can be specified as enforcement exemptions
  • Policy overrides RBAC so even Subscription owners fall under the same compliance enforcements assigned at a higher scope (does not apply if assigned at subscription scope)

Policy Definition and Assignment Scopes

⚠️ Requirement: Ensure the deployment account has at least Resource Policy Contributor role at the definition_scope and assignment_scope


  • DefinitionName has a maximum length of 64 characters and AssignmentName a maximum length of 24 characters
  • DisplayName has a maximum length of 128 characters and description a maximum length of 512 characters
  • There's a maximum count for each object type for Azure Policy. For definitions, an entry of Scope means the management group or subscription. For assignments and exemptions, an entry of Scope means the management group, subscription, resource group, or individual resource:
Where What Maximum count
Scope Policy definitions 500
Scope Initiative definitions 200
Tenant Initiative definitions 2,500
Scope Policy or initiative assignments 200
Scope Exemptions 1000
Policy definition Parameters 20
Initiative definition Policies 1000
Initiative definition Parameters 100
Policy or initiative assignments Exclusions (notScopes) 400
Policy rule Nested conditionals 512
Remediation task Resources 500

Useful Resources

Known Issues

Error: Invalid for_each argument

You may experience plan/apply issues when running an initial deployment of the set_assignment module. This is because azurerm_role_assignment.rem_role and azurerm_policy_remediation.rem depend on resources to exist before producing a successful continuos deployment. To overcome this, set the flag -var "skip_remediation=true" and omit for consecutive builds. This may also be required for destroy tasks.

Updating Initiative Member Definitions

Updating Initiatives can become tricky when parameter counts are increased or decreased when member_definitions are added or removed, in most cases you will need to recreate the initiative before a successful set_assignment e.g: terraform apply -var "skip_remediation=true" -target module.example_initiative