
  • 12/27 (Wed.): Ray 完成 API
  • 1/3 (Wed.): 大家完成各自的部分
  • 1/6 (Sat.): 完成 function 串接與 dump
  • 1/8 (Mon.): 完成錄影


  • function : ls
    • Display all file and folder in current directory.
  • function : cd
    • Change Directory into specific folder.
  • function : rm
    • Remove the specific file.
  • function : mkdir
    • Make a new Directory in current directory.
  • function : get
    • Get the file from in-memory filesystem.
    • And dump the file to the dump folder.
  • function : put
    • put the local file into the in-memory filesystem.
  • function : rmdir
    • recursivly del the node under specific folder node.

Unit Testing and Integration Testing
