
deep-kernel-transfer no CUDA

Primary LanguagePython

This repo is a fork of the original deep-kernel-transfer repo


Modifications incude:

  1. Removed CUDA depedency from PyTorch so GPNet can run on platforms without CUDA/GPU support
  2. Added AAF Face and Age Dataset sample and data loading code
  3. Added GPNet for AAF regression training and testing

The data is in filelists/AAF/ and the AAF GPNet model is in methods/.

Make sure to install packages in the requirements.txt first

Instructions for running the GPNet on AAF:
Train: python train_regression_AAF.py
Test: python test_regression_AAF.py

You are free to play around with the training and test parameters... however note some options may not work!

This repository contains the official pytorch implementation of the paper:

"Deep Kernel Transfer in Gaussian Processes for Few-shot Learning" (2019) Patacchiola, Turner, Crowley, and Storkey [download paper]

Overview. We introduce a Bayesian method based on Gaussian Processes (GPs) that can learn efficiently from a limited amount of data and generalize across new tasks and domains. We frame few-shot learning as a model selection problem by learning a deep kernel across tasks, and then using this kernel as a covariance function in a GP prior for Bayesian inference. This probabilistic treatment allows for cross-domain flexibility, and uncertainty quantification. We provide substantial experimental evidence, showing that the proposed method is better than several state-of-the-art algorithms in few-shot regression and cross-domain classification.

Cite this paper if you use the method or code in this repository as part of a published research project:

  title={Deep Kernel Transfer in Gaussian Processes for Few-shot Learning},
  author={Patacchiola, Massimiliano and Turner, Jack and Crowley, Elliot J. and Storkey, Amos},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1910.05199},


  1. Python >= 3.x
  2. Numpy >= 1.17
  3. pyTorch >= 1.2.0
  4. GPyTorch >= 0.3.5
  5. (optional) TensorboardX

GPNet: code of our method

Regression. The implementation of our method is based on the gpyTorch library. The code for the regression case is available in gpnet_regression.py.

Classification. The code for the classification case is accessible in gpnet.py, with most of the important pieces contained in the train_loop() method (training), and in the correct() method (testing).

Note: there is the possibility of using the scikit Laplace approximation at test time (classification only), setting laplace=True in correct(). However, this has not been investigated enough and it is not the method used in the paper.


These are the instructions to train and test the methods reported in the paper in the various conditions.

Download and prepare a dataset. This is an example of how to download and prepare a dataset for training/testing. Here we assume the current directory is the project root folder:

cd filelists/DATASET_NAME/
sh download_DATASET_NAME.sh

Replace DATASET_NAME with one of the following: omniglot, CUB, miniImagenet, emnist, QMUL. Notice that mini-ImageNet is a large dataset that requires substantial storage, therefore you can save the dataset in another location and then change the entry in configs.py in accordance.

Methods. There are a few available methods that you can use: gpnet, maml, maml_approx, protonet, relationnet, matchingnet, baseline, baseline++. You must use those exact strings at training and test time when you call the script (see below). Note that our method is gpnet, and that baseline corresponds to feature transfer in our paper. By default GPNet has a linear kernel, to change this please edit the entry in configs.py.

Backbone. The script allows training and testing on different backbone networks. By default the script will use the same backbone used in our experiments (Conv4). Check the file backbone.py for the available architectures, and use the parameter --model=BACKBONE_STRING where BACKBONE_STRING is one of the following: Conv4, Conv6, ResNet10|18|34|50|101.


QMUL Head Pose Trajectory Regression The methods that can be used for regression are gpnet and transfer (feature transfer). In order to train these methods, use:

python train_regression.py --method="gpnet" --seed=1

The number of training epochs can be set with --stop_epoch. If you wish to change the kernel, please edit the entry in configs.py, which defaults to Linear. The above command will save a checkpoint to save/checkpoints/QMUL/Conv3_gpnet, which you can test on the test set with:

python test_regression.py --method="gpnet" --seed=1

You can additionally specify the size of the support set with --n_support (which defaults to 5), and the number of test epochs with --n_test_epochs (which defaults to 10).


Train classification. The various methods can be trained using the following syntax:

python train.py --dataset="miniImagenet" --method="gpnet" --train_n_way=5 --test_n_way=5 --n_shot=1 --seed=1 --train_aug

This will train GPNet 5-way 1-shot on the mini-ImageNet dataset with seed 1. The dataset string can be one of the following: CUB, miniImagenet. At training time the best model is evaluated on the validation set and stored as best_model.tar in the folder ./save/checkpoints/DATASET_NAME. The parameter --train_aug enables data augmentation. The parameter seed set the seed for pytorch, numpy, and random. Set --seed=0 or remove the parameter for a random seed. Additional parameters are reported in the file io_utils.py.

Test classification. For testing gpnet, maml and maml_approx it is enough to repeat the train command replacing the call to train.py with the call to test.py as follows:

python test.py --dataset="miniImagenet" --method="gpnet" --train_n_way=5 --test_n_way=5 --n_shot=1 --seed=1 --train_aug

Other methods require to store the features (for efficiency) before testing, this can be done running the script save_features.py before calling test.py. For instance, if you trained a protonet, you should call:

python save_features.py --dataset="miniImagenet" --method="protonet" --train_n_way=5 --test_n_way=5 --n_shot=1 --seed=1 --train_aug
python test.py --dataset="miniImagenet" --method="protonet" --train_n_way=5 --test_n_way=5 --n_shot=1 --seed=1 --repeat=5 --train_aug

We noticed that the original code has a large variance on test tasks. To reduce this variance we add the parameter repeat=N. It iterates N times with different seeds and take an average over the N tests, we used N=5 (3000 tasks) in our experiments.

Cross-domain classification

For the cross-domain classification experiments the procedure is the same described previously. The only difference is that the available datasets are: cross_char, and cross. The former being omniglot -> EMNIST, and the latter miniImagenet -> CUB. Here an example of training procedure:

python train.py --dataset="cross_char" --method="gpnet" --train_n_way=5 --test_n_way=5 --n_shot=1 --seed=1

Note that the parameter --train_aug (data augmentation) is not used for cross_char but only for cross.


This repository is a fork of: https://github.com/wyharveychen/CloserLookFewShot