Raw LOBSTAHS Annotation Data from EXPORTS North Atlantic

Van Mooy Lab EXPORTS North Atlantic Raw Lipid Data

This repository contains raw lipid annotation data for sinking and suspended lipid samples collected during the EXPORTS North Atlantic field deployments. If you have any questions or inquiries about this, please do not hesitate to contact me at hholm@lamont.columbia.edu

Version 1.0.0 - 2/12/2024 - image

Lipid Annotation Data and Sample Metadata

Basic sample metadata can be found in EXPORTS_NA_Sample_Metadata_csv. Lipid annotations retained from LOBSTAHS screening are available for positive and negative ionization mode (EXPORTS_NA_Negative_raw_csv, EXPORTS_NA_Positive_raw_csv). Additionally, lipid annotation information such as chemical formula, retention time, adduct mass, and annotations are included in the preliminary columns of this sheet. Lipid annotations are rows, samples are columns. All lipid units are integrated peak area. For full description of column information see the LOBSTAHS manual.