Password Generator Test Plan



Create an automation test suite to test all the functionalities of the Password Generator feature.

Tools: Python, Selenium, Robot Framework


Set up


  • Create a virtual environment for the project
# Install venv if not yet
sudo apt install python3.10-venv

# Create a virtual environemnt for the project
python3 -m venv .venv
  • If successful, the folder .venv should be created. Run ls -la to see the folder.

  • Activate the virtual environment

source .venv/bin/activate
  • After activation, we should see the virtual environemnt name in the prompt of the command (venv)

  • Install packages pip install -r requirements.txt

For more information, please visit here.

Execute test cases

  • To execute the whole test suite, run
robot -d results PasswordGenerator.robot

# results is the folder that stores the output of the test run
# PasswordGenerator.robot: Test suite name
  • To execute a specifit within the test
robot -d results -t $TESTCASE_NAME $TESTSUITE_NAME
  • To execute test cases with a specific tag
robot -d results --include $TAG $TESTSUITE_NAME


There will be two main folders: Resources & Scripts


This folder contains all the neccessary resources for the automation scripts to run. Within this folder, there is another folder POM and two robot files main.robot & setup.robot.

  • main.robot: the main resource files that import all other resources required for the automation.
  • setup.robot contains Test Setup and Test Teardown for the automation
  • POM (Page Object Model): Includes two robot files: pom_BasePage.robot and pom_PasswordGenerator.robot
    • pom_BasePage.robot: contains all global variables used for the automation
    • pom_PasswordGenerator.robot: contains all variables, locators, keywords used for automating test suites on page Password Generator.


Contains automation test scripts and includes results folder and the main Test Suite PasswordGenerator.robot

  • results: the folder in which output of automation tests will be stored.
  • PasswordGenerator.robot: The main Automation Test Suite which contains multiple Test cases. There are total 9 Test cases that cover all functionalies, input validation, edge cases of the features on the Password Generator page. A few edge cases to be considered are password lengths' being out of range (either less than 6 or greater than 32) or no options is selected to generate passwords.


  1. When clicking the copy icon, the text is copied to the clipboard!. However, when trying to access the clipboard, I got a pop-up asking for permissions. Due to security reasons, automating granting the permission is not viable through Robot Framework. So I had to do a workaround, running Python to independtly get the content of the clipboard.
sudo apt-get install xclip
pip install pyperclip
  1. I was having challenges with the regex when testing the passwords with only symbols. From this, I learned that RobotFramework stips one level of backlash \ before using the value is evaluated. Hence, instead of regularly escaping character \[, I had to add another backlash, resulting in \\[. Hence the final regex for symbols look like this [!@#$%^&*\\(\\)_+\\{\\}\\[\\]:;"'<>?,.\\/\\|~-]`

  2. Each functionalities of the features has been verified. When testing the combinaions of passwords requirements, the results are not consistent. Still working on debugging to yield more consistent passed results.