
Docker Image with FFMPEG and streaming script

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Streaming Docker

This container offers FFMPEG and also a wrapper stream_youtube which can stream the content of a Display to Youtube.


Configuration for the stream_youtube script are passed via Environment Variables.

Below are the parameters accepted and their default values:

Parameter Default Description
YOUTUBE_URL rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2 The stream URL provided by Youtube.
YOUTUBE_KEY The stream key provided by Youtube.
VIDEO_SOURCE :99.0+0,0 The video source (display) to be used for capture for the stream.
VIDEO_RES 1920x1080 The video resolution in pixels. It must match the resolution from VIDEO_SOURCE.
AUDIO_SOURCE anullsrc The audio source to be used as background audio. If passing a MP3 file, the folder where the MP3 file lives must be shared with the container. By default the container uses "anullsrc" which means no audio.

Obtaining the Container

The container is available via DockerHub and can be obtained via:

docker pull hhslepicka/streaming

Starting the Container

The example below will start the container in daemon mode, streaming the display :99.0 using as background audio my_song.mp3.

docker run -d --rm \
       -e DISPLAY=":99.0" \
       -e AUDIO_SOURCE="my_song.mp3" \
       -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
       -v "/path/to/my_song_folder":/stream \
       hhslepicka/streaming \

Building the Container

docker build -t hhslepicka/streaming .