Data Analysis of Drug Use Across Income Ranges


Given my current analysis, these are some of the figures that I had found:

Total Respondents: 43093 Total Current Drug Users: 2461

counts for S1Q10B(for drug users) - TOTAL PERSONAL INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS: CATEGORY

  1. $0 (No personal income) 116
  2. $1 to $4,999: 340
  3. $5,000 to $7,999 245
  4. $8,000 to $9,999 139
  5. $10,000 to $12,999 207
  6. $13,000 to $14,999 103
  7. $15,000 to $19,999 250
  8. $20,000 to $24,999 203
  9. $25,000 to $29,999 185
  10. $30,000 to $34,999 148
  11. $35,000 to $39,999 117
  12. $40,000 to $49,999 139
  13. $50,000 to $59,999 90
  14. $60,000 to $69,999 55
  15. $70,000 to $79,999 33
  16. $80,000 to $89,999 24
  17. $90,000 to $99,999 11
  18. $100,000 or more 56

frequencies for S1Q10B(for drug users) - TOTAL PERSONAL INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS: CATEGORY

  1. 0.047135
  2. 0.138155
  3. 0.099553
  4. 0.056481
  5. 0.084112
  6. 0.041853
  7. 0.101585
  8. 0.082487
  9. 0.075173
  10. 0.060138
  11. 0.047542
  12. 0.056481
  13. 0.036570
  14. 0.022349
  15. 0.013409
  16. 0.009752
  17. 0.004470
  18. 0.022755

percentages for S1Q10B(for drug users) - TOTAL PERSONAL INCOME IN LAST 12 MONTHS: CATEGORY
0. 4.713531

  1. 13.815522
  2. 9.955303
  3. 5.648111
  4. 8.411215
  5. 4.185291
  6. 10.158472
  7. 8.248679
  8. 7.517269
  9. 6.013816
  10. 4.754165
  11. 5.648111
  12. 3.657050
  13. 2.234864
  14. 1.340918
  15. 0.975213
  16. 0.446973
  17. 2.275498

counts for DGSTATUS - Drug Use Status, Current User=1, Ex-User=2 3=Lifetime nondrug user

  1. 2461
  2. 6679
  3. 33953

frequencies for DGSTATUS - Drug Use Status, Current User=1, Ex-User=2 3=Lifetime nondrug user

  1. 0.057109
  2. 0.154990
  3. 0.787901

counts for S3BD5Q2B - Use of Cannabis 1=In the last 12 months, 2=Prior to last 12 months, 3=Both time Periods

  1. 98
  2. 427
  3. 1505

frequencies for S3BD5Q2B - Use of Cannabis 1=In the last 12 months, 2=Prior to last 12 months, 3=Both time Periods

  1. 0.039821
  2. 0.173507
  3. 0.611540

Based on these findings, I find that 42.54% of people who reported themselves as current drug users at the time the survey was taken had personal incomes of $12,999 or less, with the most popular drug used being cannabis, with 61.15% of drug user respondents having used it both prior to and within the last twelve months before their responses had been recorded.

In my analysis of drug use patterns of current drug users at the time this data was compiled, I had omitted "unknown" responses, as those responses were inconducive to my analysis.

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